New Bettas

Dec 8, 2004
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I got a boy betta and a girl betta, and they're in one of those dual betta hexes with a divider in the middle. I'm a little worried about the girl betta, because she seems to sit at the bottom sometimes with her dorsal fin and tail clamped. If i walk into the room or if I start moving around in my room, she will swim around. And she has no other symptoms- no sores, her colors are wonderful, she eats like a little pig, and she becomes excited when I walk into the room. But every few minutes she'll swim to the bottom with her fins clamped. I'm feeding her 2 pellets twice a day and the boy three pellets twice a day (he's quite a bit bigger than she is) which is suggested. I'm not sure if this sitting at the bottom with her dorsal and tail clamped is just a personality thing or if she's sick. Sometimes the boy will do it too- but rarely so I don't think it's a problem at all with him. Does anyone know anything about this? Thanks.

Mar 11, 2003
I agree. If you give them each at least a gallon (you can buy 2.5 gallon minibow tanks that have a divider in the middle, that are adorable!) you'll see them swimming around more. In a bigger tank you can accessorize it with plants and decorations that they can swim in/around. If that doesn't work, Aquari-Sol treats clamped fins, and generally prevents disease with 1 drop per gallon. Salt also prevents disease, along with the messy methylene blue (turns water and pretty much everything else blue, making it hard to see your fish).



Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
It's possible that he's intimidating her, and she's afraid of him. She could be trying to hide...

Make sure you've got a cover so they can't jump into each other's halves.

Dec 8, 2004
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I think I'm going to get a 2.5 gallon for them with a divider. I'm not sure about the intimidation thing. He flares at her and she kind of floats right by and ignores it. I'll just get them a bigger tank and see what happens. Thanks.