new black neons...not eating...

Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
high there...more of a chat than a question really... :)

got six black neons 3 days far no munch...

i've tried flake...frozen bloodworm...
sinking pellets...freeze-dried tubifex...
and even crushed up algae wafers...

kinda wonder what to do next...

the rest of the community are eating well...
and the neons are getting to the food...
it's just that they won't snack on it...weird... :(

Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
echoofformless said:
I would wait and see in a week or could be that they're either stressed or maybe they're just happy to graze off of your surfaces. Fish are weird...
cool...i love that line...'graze off your surfaces'...mighty fine... :)

they don't appear to be stressed...seem happy enough...
i'll wait and see how they go...

i'm hoping to get six more in a weeks time...
busy busy tank...bootiful :)

Sep 8, 2005
Neons are funny little fish. Sometimes they don't eat for a day or two then they scarf everything up like they are starving. I wouldn't worry about it unless it goes on for a while.

Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
prettypleco said:
Neons are funny little fish. Sometimes they don't eat for a day or two then they scarf everything up like they are starving. I wouldn't worry about it unless it goes on for a while.
Cool first experiance with neons...
with any fish truth be told...
i'll keep an eye on them...chears... :)


Large Fish
Nov 14, 2005
Ottawa, Ontario
Neons are funny little buggers... Generally after transport, they won't eat for sometimes up to a week.

I feed fish at my normal time, if they eat, they eat... If not, then they don't. If they don't get it, then they die. That's what fish warranties are for. :)

I've never had any of my fish starve though. After usually 3 or 5 days, they clue in and start eating.

Generally, I've found neons (once they start eating) to be some of the more agressive eaters in the tank.

Again, I wouldn't worry. Everything will work itself out. :)

cybersymes said:
battlefield theme... :(
Why the sad face. It isn't like I'm creating the theme to have the fish killing each other or themselves. I'm planning on having different fish for different parts of warfare. Hatchetfish, or similar, floating around the top as aircraft; two separate schools of fish as the infantry; a couple easy going larger fish for heavy artillery or tanks; basically fish that can be considered to be parts of the theme. Then also I will be decorating the area with a battlefield theme. At least that is the plan so far.


Large Fish
Nov 14, 2005
Ottawa, Ontario
longtyme68 said:
. I'm planning on having different fish for different parts of warfare. Hatchetfish, or similar, floating around the top as aircraft; two separate schools of fish as the infantry; a couple easy going larger fish for heavy artillery or tanks; basically fish that can be considered to be parts of the theme. Then also I will be decorating the area with a battlefield theme. At least that is the plan so far.
That is quite possibly the most original idea I've ever heard of for a tank...
That's awesome! *thumbsups

You've GOTTA post some pics when you get it up and running... *BOUNCINGS

Viciente said:
That is quite possibly the most original idea I've ever heard of for a tank...
That's awesome! *thumbsups

You've GOTTA post some pics when you get it up and running... *BOUNCINGS
Thank you very much for the sentiments. I'm an active duty US Marine...maybe that is why I had the idea of the battlefield. Oh well, it popped into my head and I have the knowledge to get it done, so why not right.

Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
Viciente said:
Neons are funny little buggers... Generally after transport, they won't eat for sometimes up to a week.

Generally, I've found neons (once they start eating) to be some of the more agressive eaters in the tank.

Again, I wouldn't worry. Everything will work itself out. :)
chears dude...sounds good... :):):)

Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
longtyme68 said:
Why the sad face. It isn't like I'm creating the theme to have the fish killing each other or themselves. I'm planning on having different fish for different parts of warfare. Hatchetfish, or similar, floating around the top as aircraft; two separate schools of fish as the infantry; a couple easy going larger fish for heavy artillery or tanks; basically fish that can be considered to be parts of the theme. Then also I will be decorating the area with a battlefield theme. At least that is the plan so far.
well i have to agree with the dude 'V'...
it is a totally original idea...
and i'm sure you will 'execute' it really well...
the concept is indeed 'gifted'...well done...

i just had to pop a sad smiley 'cos war is not cool...
i now know that you are a soldier...
and i have admiration and respect for all who protect 'us'...
you are the front line against many many horrors...
but a 'conflict' theme for a fish tank...?

i live in belfast...maybe that's what it is...
i've had it with confrontation and death...
i'd rather celebrate life...with harmonious fish-scapes i guess... :)

i'm not putting you down dude...
it's a stunning idea...just not my thing...

the use of fish as aircraft/artillery/infantry...
is an inspired idea...

all the best with it...

Congratulations on your black neons, they really are beautiful fish :)

As for the eating, i wouldn't worry about it - although my neons are always first to get to the food :D I've heard they can have their little days when they won't eat, if their new it could be just that their getting used to the tank, don't feel safe enough yet ... etc, are they schooling okay?

Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
Chazwick said:
Congratulations on your black neons, they really are beautiful fish :)

As for the eating, i wouldn't worry about it - although my neons are always first to get to the food :D I've heard they can have their little days when they won't eat, if their new it could be just that their getting used to the tank, don't feel safe enough yet ... etc, are they schooling okay?
Hey dude...yepp...they're bootiful... :)
i think my wife prefered the cardinals...
but i really liked the neons 'moody' look...
and i love their body-shape...

thanks for the info on feeding...
i'll watch and wait... :)

as for schooling...sometimes they are split up...
and sometimes they are in a shoal of six...
and sometimes...they are in a wild bunch with my 4 corries...
scooting about like crazy... :)

i have 2 more cories to get...and another 6 black neons...
funn funn funn ... :):)

i can't wait to see a dozen of them 'flying' around... :):):)