New Cich Tank

Sep 6, 2003
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I really want maybe a 50 or so, but it seems my parents really only are willing to invest in a 30-40 with me. I want big, (aggressive) cichlids that have lots of colors. I already have a growing GT in my tiny tank. Anyway, besides the green terror that will go into the new big tank, what else can fit- or how many fish approximately will fit together. I was thinking maybe about 4-6 (jacks, GTs, oscar) plus a pleco. Is this too much, too little, just right?


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
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Wouldn’t bother with the Jacks or Oscars - just feed your GT on prawns and flakes instead

basicaly - Mana is right - concentrate on your existing GT - it'll get along fine with a pl*co, but with that size tank anything else would be pushing your luck

Sep 6, 2003
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thats funny- the guy who works at my fishstore said that he has like 8 fish (large cichlids) in a 40 and more in his 70. i need more than that one fish so dont even TRY to say just the GT and a pleco... im at least gunna get another 2 or 3 beside that- which fish like to be together?


Superstar Fish
The guy at the fish store doesn't have a clue what he's doing - and is probably trying to sell you on more fish.

The fact that you ask a question, get SEVERAL identical responses telling you that more fish is TOO much...then say:

"i need more than that one fish so dont even TRY to say just the GT and a pleco... im at least gunna get another 2 or 3 beside that-"

Makes me wonder why you wasted everyone's time if you aren't going to listen? Or are you reverting back to the days when that was your M.O.?

You want more fish? Get a rock. Paint it green. Add some fins. Put it in the tank. ;)

Last edited:
Sep 4, 2003
T-Dot, Canada
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hahahaha that last one was funny leopardess!
Anyway, i'm no expert, but i would definetly take the advice given by the members...
I think everyone has encoutered FishStore Guys with questionable, if not absurd suggestions...
If you really don't believe the members here, then research the fish on some fish databases, I'm quite positive you'll be hard pressed to find something supporting what that FishMan says..

I think if you setup your tank nicely, it will actually be quite interesting... but it is what you make of it, and more fish does not necessarily mean better... It'll be much more frustrating to lose the GT you've been caring for because it gets stressed in a crowded tank.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
thinkof it like this:there isn't much room in a 55 for a gt to turn around let alone establish take into account the fact that cichlids are smart fish,and like most smart creatures they get bored without without this interaction,the fish begins to take out on the decos,heaters filter tubes,and you guessed it,other fish!few fish can stand up to the repeated attacks of bored cichlids,thus the sailfin suggestion.honsetly i say get over the stuffing fish into a small tank idea.oh and your guy at the lfs is nuts.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
In reply to the actual question

None of them like to be together. Not much more than the GT will go in your little (by big cichlid standards) tank. As usual your fish shop is lying to you. How's your marine tank by the way?

Sep 6, 2003
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lol the marine tank... i totally made that up just to talk about sharks becuase i think they are cool and sorta considered getting one. but then my grandpa (who loves and has lotsa fish) advised be against saltwater because its too much damn work so i am trying to just get big aggressive freshwater to make up for the non existent shark. and arrowanas are too big unless they are babies.