Hello! I bought a 55 gallon tank off Craigslist and it came fully stocked. I'm suddenly the proud owner of 3 rusty cichlids, 3 yellow lab cichlids, 1 bumble bee cichlid, 4 Boesemani rainbows and 7 zebra danios. I've had a lot of experience with the tropical community fish etc. and planted tanks etc. but I've never had any cichlid experience. I know that my cichlids are Mbuna and therefore like lots of rock niches, so I set up the tank that way, but I'm not sure what else to do for them to make them happy.
The tank has both a powerfilter and a canister filter, and I'm trying to keep the water around 80 degrees or so. Any help would be great, as I've never done this before.
The tank has both a powerfilter and a canister filter, and I'm trying to keep the water around 80 degrees or so. Any help would be great, as I've never done this before.