New coral is not looking good..

Apr 21, 2005
Houston Texas
Well the pics did not work so her is the site for them..

I got this last saterday and it was doing real good but now its starting to shrivel up.I have had leather before and it never did this. so i dont know if it need to get use to the water are what.

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Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
Visit site
hey chucknasty, it seems that you have been having alot of problems with your corals lately, may i make a suggestion? you might want to stop buying corals and/or livestock till you figure out whats wrong with your seems that you might just be wasting your money if you continue to buy things without figuring out what is wrong with your tank.

Apr 21, 2005
Houston Texas
aresgod said:
hey chucknasty, it seems that you have been having alot of problems with your corals lately, may i make a suggestion? you might want to stop buying corals and/or livestock till you figure out whats wrong with your seems that you might just be wasting your money if you continue to buy things without figuring out what is wrong with your tank.

I hear where you are comming from but at frist we had all the problems because this fish guy we knew told us some stuff to do to the tank.Like when the fish got ich he told us to add that kick ich and it messed everything up in there.We got everything back on track now all the corals are doing REAL GOOD.We just got that new leather and its not doing good.I dont know if was a bad one are what.We test our water every week and the only thing that was bad was the salt was a little low but we got that back up and now our water is the best it will going to take a pic of every coral we have and put it on my site so you can see how good thay look.the only reason we are trying to get new coral is because we lost so much stuff with that kick ich.So just check out the site and you will see all my corals.I realy dont know that much about saltwater tanks.this was a gift to me and my wife from her parents,so we kinda just got thrown on there,but here is the site with my corals on there and i dont know what alot of them are.Thanks for everything.


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
i think your leather is ok, but given this:

Chuck Nasty said:
I realy dont know that much about saltwater tanks...i dont know what alot of them are.Thanks for everything.
i think aresgod has given you the right might be a good idea to stop investing in livestock and start investing in some reading material. in the long run it will save you agony and money