New Corals coming


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
*BOUNCINGS) I have 5 recordias in my tank and have been wanting more. We have a group buy going on here and the corals will be ordered Monday and arrive Tuesday. I ordered 15, and I can't wait for Tuesday to get here. I will post some pics first chance I get for ya'll. The corals ended up costing us $6.00 each, but we had to have 200 sold before we could get that price, I thought that might be a problem, Wrong,,, sold that many in a day & a half, I think we are up to aound 300 now.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
lol it doesnt look like its going to do that any time soon from those pics :p
even if it occupies 1/4 of the tank I think that would still be ok and would actually look very nice!


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
That pic is a few months old, the Toad stool is bigger than that now. Wonder how big it will get? When I got the thing 8 months ago, the top was about the size of two golf balls.


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
Corals have been ordered and will arrive Tuesday evening, I won't be getting mine till Wednesday evening though. No luck with SPS corals Tre, but I haven't bought any. We have decided on keeping the 125g tank as a mixed reef tank and are going to buy a cube tank, some where around a 60g to 85g, and make that our SPS tank. Hoping to do that some time this year. My zoa frags in the 125g are looking great, I am hoping to see some babies soon. Have been uping the Calcium with 2 part and using the Oyster Feast (twice a week on the Oyster Feast, just a cap full and want to get some Rodi feast) The zoas can't look any better, big full polyps great looking color, I am buying a big box of cigars. I do how ever have a frag of an encrusting Montipora that has really taken off, its either a Seasons Greating or a Metor Shower, not sure which. It has trippled in size in the last few months. I bought another frag of what is called a Purple Haze encrusting Montipora, it is a veryyyyy smalll piece, we will see how it does. The reason I mention this, I am thinking :( (again) that if the encrusting Montipora's are doing good :) maybe I could get a chalice of some sort to do good. What do you think?

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Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
Well, I got the recordias in this evening. On the plus side: the colors look great On the down side: I was shorted 5 corals :( Now this next thing isn't really a down side, just wasn't what I expecting. The corals are really small, one is the size of a nickle the rest, about the size of a dime or smaller. The man who runs our LFS bought 4 for me when he was in Flordia a few months ago, really nice size ones, about the size of a 50 cent piece, I was expecting that, not what I got. I guess thats what you get from a group buy and cheaper corals, not cheaper in quality, just cheaper in size. They will be really nice looking whan they get some size to them. But I was shorted 5 Waaaa, she will make it good though. Between the coral size and being shorted 5 I was just disappointed all the way around.


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
Yea, fully opened :( they were half that sized closed up. I am sure that if you go to the online stores and ordered those 10 recordias corals for $100, the corals I got would most likely be what you would get. Its not that the corals won't be great looking down the road, I guess what I am saying is that I should have just paid the $15 or $20 for the larger corals from the online web sites, instant gratification is what I wanted but not what I got, another lesson learned from this hobby.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
instant gratification in this hobby usually gets you in trouble no?
and wow, yes I agree its rather disappointing and it sounds like a rip off. I have considered a $100 ric package in the past, but I got past my ric phase so now I'm glad i didn't order one before.
I hope yours grow fast and colorful!


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
In a few months your rics will have grown and you wont even notice. Usually bigger rics have more than one mouth and im sure the seller just fragged them into individual mouths.... As far as Chalices as long as your Cal/Alk are up to par and low nitrates/phosphates youll be fine... If the encrusting montis are doing well id try a Digitata, Spongodes or any other Monti... Also Pink Birdsnest IMO have always been an easier to keep SPS for me.... BTW I lost 99% of my SPS 2 months ago while I was on vacation! Lost my Watermelon chalice, War coral, a few Acans aswell! I had about 30 differant types of SPS all gone now


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
It was a few things... For starters I had 2 of the tubes on my R/O unit in the wrong places so I was getting a tds of almost 200. Every water change I did and every top off I was just adding dirty water so it was a disaster waiting to happen, Than My Mystery Wrasse decided that he no longer wanted snails in the tank and started picking off the snails one by one. This was going on for about a month before I went on vacation and every other day I was having to flip back over about a handful of snails that the Wrasse had knocked off the glass. When I got back from vacation he had killed every single snail and it caused an ammonia spike which combined with my R/O problem I had a blanket of green algae over the whole tank... Oh yea also the container I was using for my top off water was leaching something into the water and all my top off water was a tds of 500! Ive got it all back on track now and im finally ready to start adding SPS again but it sucks big time loosing as much as I did (Superman Monti, Sunset Monti, ORA purple plasma, ORA green birdsnest ORA Bird Of Paradise, Bonsai, Forest fire Digi, Leng Sy Monti, those are just a few that come to mind!)

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