New Corals


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
The owner of our LFS and a few others from our area went to the MACNA this past week end. I had asked him to pick me up a few Recordias if he saw any, he found a vendor there that he said had a few hundred. He picked me up four of them, two green and two orange. I really like these corals and plan on getting 10 or 15 more of them. I found a web site that sells them, they are in Florida, and they seem to have really good prices. I have them in a tub in the tank trying to get them to attach to some live rock pieces. I will try and get some pics after I get them glued to the live rock in the tank. TRe, did you get to go to the MACNA, I know you live in Florida?


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
No I didnt go but I know alot of people around here that did! it was like 3 hours north of me.... As far as ricordea Ive bought a bunch off ebay in the past for good price