new direction!!!


Small Fish
Nov 11, 2010
I'm basically just writing this to just say thank you to the people who helped me on my other post.. After a lot of thought and advice and information found on this forum, I've decided until I can afford a RO system the best thing for me and the health of the fish is to keep a african cichlid tank. As musch as I would love to have an oranda tank it would be a constant fight for me to keep the ph stable at even a close range. So with my tap water already starting out with a ph of at least 8.8 and cichlids from Lake Tanganyika needing a crazy high ph I think we'd all be better off. It's not that I'm lazy it's just right now I lack the skills of adjusting water to that crazy degree. So thank you again!!!!


Small Fish
Nov 11, 2010
oh i failed to mention i used seachem like the lfs guy said i t dropped my ph to 7.4 but i think i'm going to just slowly start letting it go back i can get the cichlids...but it actually did bring the ph way down.