New Dojo's

Oct 18, 2006
Oceanside California
I went to LFS today and found a dojo to replace my dojo i lost this week. But i came back with two of them, they are huge already at about 5 inches and a dime size in diameter... very active and seem to be buddies. I will get picture if they allow it once in tank.

Oct 18, 2006
Oceanside California
I am going to wait to get pictures till i get my shipment of fish in. I got a gold dojo from florida inbound starting monday. I will get picture of them all then. I just added my new driftwood to tank and the dojos took to it like white on rice, wraping around it hiding among it looks great to see them so active... and they are a community fish, i have been told they aren't a community fish, well mine always seem to love the neighbors in the tank very friendly species i just hope one day i can get them to feed out of my hand.