New Dwarf gouramis not eating..please help

Oct 29, 2005
Hi all...

Well, after setting up my 75G tank I've just added some fish along with Bio-spira. So far I'm sitting at about 0 ammon, 0 nitrites, and 5-10 nitrates. Ph, hardness are very high.

I added 6 von rio tetras and 2 neon blue dwarf guarimis yesterday morning. The von rios have been eating very well from the get go, but the gouramis have not touched anything yet. I've tried flakes, freeze-dried bloodworms (which the tetras have been eating), and some shrimp pellets (which sink to the bottom and nothing eats- I'm not going to use those anymore till I get some bottom feeders).

Do you think they will just come around or should they already be eating at this point? After how many day should I be concerned?I tried shortly after they arrived (around noon) yesterday then again at night, then this morning and then just a little while ago. Is there something they would perfer? I really like these little guys and don't want to lost them. I appreciate any help/advise. Thanks!!

Sep 11, 2005
Labyrinth fish in general (of which gouramis are a member species) are skittish and odd when changing homes as well as food. I would say give it a few days before worrying.

They could be a little shocked...did you very slowly acclimate them? I'm saying this more because the water in your tank (if it's hard and alkaline) is likely different from their previous home's water chemistry. So they could be a little off due to such a change.

In any event, I wouldn't worry a bit about it until it's been a few days and they maybe start showing drab colors or serious lethargy. Then you'll know if it's something more serious then the usual labyrinth fish weirdness.

Just feed the flakes in the same amount each day, and they should come around once they're settled in and hungry. Let us know in a few days how things are.

Sep 6, 2006
St Louis
Yeah, my nean dwarf gouramis are still pretty skittish and I got them like 3 or 4 days ago. They're only now coming up to eat. Don't worry unless they don't come up after 3 or 4 days. They're scardey cats. But the ones I got a few weeks ago are doing awesome! I've noticed it's really really really helpful if you turn on the light in the room for a few minutes and then turn on the fish light and then feed them. That way they learn to associate the sudden brightness of the fish light with the yumminess of food and don't get as scared. Good luck!

Oct 29, 2005
Just an update...

One of the gouramis did start to eat yesterday, just a little bit...

And this morning the same one seem to eat a bit more and the other one look it took a very small bite of a flake....

SO hopefully, they're coming around and all is well...thnx for the support!