New Female Betta Pics


Superstar Fish
I finally got a female. I've never had one before, though I've always wanted on. I guess I just never got around to it. But I went to the lfs today and saw they had tons of beautiful I got one:)

I think she will be added to the 55. Her colors will be outstanding in that tank. But, I may put her in a 10g. Not sure yet. Either way, she's got a quarantine period to go through.

I put her in a glass betta bowl for the pics....she's staying in a 3g tank that made it too hard to take pics.

Isn't she purdy?:D

More pics coming...

Mar 11, 2003
She is very pretty! Looks like she has just the right red and blue combo that makes her purple! I remember when I got my first female...they became my favorites now, as to me, they have more personality than my males. Just becareful because I lost several females from jumping, even from the smallest gaps in the hood.


quite the girl you got there leopardess! shes VERY beautiful, too bad your not going to pair them with your males, cause they'd be lucky to be paired with such a beautiful girl! i went to a fish store (big als) and since the one closer to me has girls, i thought the one i'd be going to would too, but they didnt! only guys!! grrr...well im going back to the one near me (hopefully getting more girls) and like alexa, i personally like girls more. more active and they dont flare or look as if they want to kill, besides, i like their vertical stripes ;) well, im soon to breed my girl, and heres a picture of her, well, hope your new girl will pair up and have beautiful babies!

this is the best picture of her i have, and she ate bloodworms a few hours before...



Superstar Fish
Aug 13, 2003
nice bettas... i might get one for my 3gtank when all my danios die
(its not like i want them to die)
are you going to breed ur bettas?