New fish, need quick answer


Large Fish
Aug 29, 2006
New Jersey
Alright so I have my new setup I explained before. My white albino was doing bad from the begining, he was getting beat up on so I put him in a breading net to isolate him from the fish (last night). He was fine this morning, he was dead this afternoon. (His body is red, looks like sores, however it didn't look like that till he died) I am planning on going to my LFS to replace him (14day garuntee). Since the fish in there are only about 72 hours old(in the tank) should I

take the new albino and throw in straight in the tank with the 13 others, or

should I leave him in the breading net for a day or two, let him get used to the other fish being around, then put him in?

what do you think?

oh ps. side note. some of them are nipping each others tails, leaving them to fray a little. Should I leave it go, or put in fin repair stuff?

Thanks guys


Medium Fish
Aug 29, 2006
L.A. Cali
on my cichlid tank i have alot of aggression because of mainly my demasonis. they leave eachothers tails tattered looking like ur talking about. although i am against using salt as a regular additive to ur tank, because of the aggression i add a little in. since i have they still fight obviosly but thier tails are rarely ever shredded. they have nicks in them every once and a while but thats typical. i have never had good experiences with breeder nets, they dont let enough waater flow throuh or something. when u put the new fish in the tank, move the decorations around and turn off the lights. all the fish will get kinda confused and they shouldnt really pick on the albino. let us know what happens though, good luck!!


Medium Fish
Aug 2, 2006
always move the decorations/rocks around so that they have to reestablish territory. if that doesnt help. just tell your fish to be nice that always works with my

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
I don't find the moving of thing helps all that much. Its still a glass box and the size of it isn't changing. It might help, eh idk...i just don't do it alot personally. I like to introduce fish with the lights out.

It'd be worth a shot with the breeding net, but you never know....the new one might turn out with different results just by putting him in.


Large Fish
Aug 29, 2006
New Jersey

Thanks guys for the quick responses. I only had about an hour this evening so I took a variation of what you said RISK. I tried to get an albino that was a little bigger than the one I had, and that looked like he was handeling himself well. It's tuesday, so my LFS shouldn't have new fish till tomorrow, and this guy had no nips on him so I thought he'd hold his own.
I left in him the bag like normal for about 10 min, let the fish attack the bag and go nuts. Then I put him in the breeding net for about 30 min. I did this because _______(Make up a reason and insert here)_________. Then I turned out all the lights ( i mean pitch black) and let him loose in the tank. That was 7:15. About 9:15-30 I came home, turned the lights on, everyone was in their respective locations (sleeping or whatever). (I have a lot of rocks stuffed in the back, so I was really hoping he'd find a nice place to stay without me moving stuff.) I found him hanging out in the bottom on the side corner by himself in a nice little area, no one was around so I thought that was good. After they all came out and active again, I fed them and I tried to get him to eat, he wouldn't go for the food. Hopefully tomorrow he will eat, and today he was just nervous. All the fish are out now, and he's not doing to bad. He doesn't fight with anyone, he just try's to stay out of the way and not seen. When a fish comes after him, he's quick to get away, never confront them.
Hopefully he'll do ok, he is a really pretty fish and I want my fishies to live and be happy b/c I need something I do to actually work well.

I also picked him b/c he had an evil look in his eyes, can't explain it, he just kinda looked evil, thought that'd make him go in well.

Thanks guys, i'll keep you posted*PEACE!*