New fish owner here...


New Fish
Feb 14, 2006
Hey, this forum looks great with lot's of knowledge goin around and good people to talk to. So im just droppin off sayin hi and my new betta greets you as well.

Yea thats my new guy, Mr. Betta or Royal...he goes by both, but he does not go by 'her' or 'she' as my girlfriend likes to call it..."Oh she's so cute!" owe HIM an apology, i'd have to tell her. So I have him in a new 1 gallon tank, upgraded from a smaller 1/2 - 3/4 gallon (dont really know the exact size). And he has some clear blue stones at the bottom, with a plastic plant in the middle to keep him company and a 20 watt desk light to keep him lookin good. Here he is leaving...

And thats his home in my signature. I look forward to be a part of the forum. Later peeps. *thumbsups