New Fish Owner

Aug 30, 2006
Hi everyone, Iv'e had my tank for just about two months now. I started off with some black and white skirt tetras. And recently added a couple Guppys (Male and Female). The Guppys have been in the tank for a few days and at times seem to be doing okay and then at other times not. When they act strange they either go to the top of the tank and kind of float there, at other times they will be laying on the gravel not moveing much. The strange thing is, at other times they will be acting normal.

Whats going on?

Aug 30, 2006
How often should I do a water change? Would a water change set the cycle of the water back to 0?

I have had the tank for 1 month 3 weeks, havent done a water change.... Is this really bad?

Do Guppys sleep on the tank bottom? (I know its a stupid question)

o wow. okay, longest time possible w/o a water change is every other week. try for once a week. Your tank has probably already cycled, so dont worry about setting i tback, and its not a numeric value, it is the process of bacteria growing that help decompose fish crap. make sure you have dechlorinater at the least, chlorine is bad for your fish, ruins their gills, and no, guppies dont sleep on the bottom, where ever they please actually. but get on that water change.

Aug 30, 2006
Okay, thanks for the info. Im going to get on that right away.

Okay just finished with cleaning the water and the rocks...But now Im wondering, "what if my fish laid eggs in the rocks and I just sent them down the tube? Is there any way to know?"

Oh Btw I have a 20 gallon tank, is roughly every two weeks still the right amount of time to chage the water

uhoh was I suppose to change all the water? Or just 30% of the water....\

Oh God, the Guppys are going nuts, there going from the bottom of the tank and jetting straight up to the surface...

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