New fish pulled into live rock!


Small Fish
Mar 26, 2010
Van Buren, AR
Hi. I have a10 gallon saltwater tank. It started as a FOWLR but now has a light aqua colored sponge, some small brown polyps, coralline algae, and some kind of hair thin worms that build tubes which all came from the live rock (have yet to be able to identify the species of the invertebrates). I also have a peppermint shrimp, yellow clown goby, 3 tiny blue legged hermit crabs, 2 small red tipped hermit crabs, and 3 nassarius snails. I've been acclimating abeautiful guppy to the salinity of this tank. I put him in the tank today and he was doing fine until the lights had been off a while. I went back in to check on him about half an hour later I found him stuck halfway inside a hole in a piece of live rock. I thought he was dead and went to get a net and by the time I got back the peppermint shrimp had pulled him out and had him. Amazingly, the guppy survived. The question is, do I have something lurking in the hole (about 3/8 inch) or did something else happen? I can't lift the rock out of the water because it has the sponge growing on it.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
search your tank at night for something that is or resembles a fireworm, eunice/bobbit worm, or any large bristleworm coming out of your live rock.
the worms do not like light so you can only see it if you use a red-colored light because the worm thinks it is dark and that its safe to come out and hunt.

Jan 4, 2010
North of Dallas Texas
I had two Guerilla (spelling) Crabs in my 10 gallon it took a freshwater bath of the rock to get rid of them.... actually one killed the other and shoved him out of their hole. I stuck a popcicle stick down there an it got grabbed and then broken off the end of the stick! I knew then I had a fight on my hands. google these beasts.... they are nasty with hairy legs, pinkish bodies and black stubby claws. Like other nastys they too are nocturnal and deadly to your fish population especially if you have rock dwellers/sleepers.