new fish questions


Small Fish
Nov 15, 2009
ok for one i just got a peacock eel and am not sure what they eat! for two i have a bala shark and a few of his scales seem to be missing? and i had a smaller one but he died the other day and he had the same thing, missing scales. and the bala also seems to gasp for air or looks like hes yawning. also i have a red tail shark and he chases the bala but only around feeding time but he doesn't seem to hurt the bala just chase him. so i didn't think that had anything to do with the scales but i don't know but thanks for reading and any help is appreciated....thanks


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
he means feeder tetras or small feeder fish. bloodworms, tubifex all frozen, or live california blackworms. Why dont you research peacock eels and see what you find for diet.

Check your water quality BUT first see what size tank you got. im almost 100% sure your tank is around 30 gal. or it might be too small.


Small Fish
Nov 15, 2009
no its eigther 55 or im not sure. but i have done research on peacock eels and there was alot of suggustions so i thought id ask here since everyone on here(besides me lol) knows alot about fish. i was even dumb enough to go outside yesterday and get 2 small worms and tried to feed him but my bala ate em first! so i went to petco and asked them (which i don't trust them too much) and they told me frozen brine shrimp so i tried that last night and i didn't see him eat any but the bala sure got a mouthful! so where would i get blackworms? oh yea and i also have tried dried bloodworms but they float and the other fish eats them all up.:confused:


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
your balas will be hogging any food you put into that tank.... try feeding the eel at night, with the lights off, so that you dont wake the sharks. even no lights in the room. best to be careful.

all the suggestions sound good... i dont know if the garden worms were a good idea, depending on whether there is fert in the soil.

The tank seems kinda ood enough for the time being, but how big is the eel? if its big, see if you can get a separate tank going where you can breed guppies and feed him fry that are born, or if hes even bigger than let the fry mature and then feed adults. Its up to you on what you want to do. live food is best for it, but it should also scavange around at night.

Blackworms can be bought in large amounts at some LFS and i bought some from drop these in at night so that they have time to burrow into the gravel. that way w/e they surface at night the eel can find them.


Small Fish
Nov 15, 2009
the eel is maybe about 3 1/2-4 inches.i have guppies in the tank already but no babies.but at the pet store i bought the eel they sold lil feeder guppies,so should i just get some of those and stick in there?and o yea how do you put that list at the end of posts of what kind of fish and what gallon tank? and no i don't believe there was any fert in the sioil with the backyard won't hurt him will it?


Small Fish
Oct 27, 2009
About the list at the end (signature) ....
Look for a button at the top of the page called "User CP". This will take you to your "User Control Panel". Under "Settings & Options" is a button called "Edit Signature". This is where you go to enter all the information and a picture if you want. Should be pretty straightforward once you get there, but ask if you need more help. :)

I'll let one of the resident experts answer the fish questions :)


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
Nice, you got the hang of the sig function on this forum :)

DONT buy the feeders, as they often carry diseases. its best to breed the guppies that you have and wait till they have babies. the eel will tak care of population control, if they hang out at the bottom. the fret in the soil will harm the fish, but if you know there is none than worms should be okay once or twice a week. dont feed em constantly as they foul the water up quickly.


Small Fish
Nov 15, 2009
i still don't know how to make the signature a list view like everyone else,mine keeps lining out like a but anyway i've had these guppies for months now, more than a few months.and they still haven't had babies and they don't seem to be growing.i was thinking about going today to buy some more adult guppies to breed but i don't think they would have babies in enough time for the eel not to starve. my tank is rectangle but as for the measurements ill try and find a tape measure and find im horrible at that kind of stuff.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ

Just click the enter key to make a column shaped list.

Do you just have male guppies in the tank with the colorful fins? cuz obviously they need females to breed... buy a fat looking guppy at a petstore. those will be pregnant females, just what you need. theyre often not colorful like the males. its likely that the eel is eating at nigh w/e leftover food there is on the floor, but you must make sure that that food is for carnivorous fish, and not simple flakes for guppies or something. research the eel's dieat and see what you can put in the tank at night to feed him. make sure the room is dark like i said before..


Small Fish
Nov 15, 2009
#15 not sure but i think 1 is a female and the other 3 are males(they have the long skirt like tail) but all of them are very colorfull. but ill go get a fat one today anyway.
and yea i been putting frozen brine shrimp in there at night and scaring the bala away from it until it sinks.i don't see it anymore the next morning but i don't know if one of the other fish are eating it or not because the eel seems lifeless and just lays around so i think hes starving....:(


Small Fish
Nov 15, 2009
well i went to petco yesterday and got 2 pregnant guppies and also learned the difference between male n and the fish guy there told me to try ghost shrimp for the eel. so i got 2 and by 11 last night one was already ate and this morning the other.also 1 of the pregnant guppies were gone not just dead but gone...???but anyway i went back to petco today and got another guppie and they just now told me that the bala also like ghost shrimp so he could have ate it. the eel is swimming around now and is more active so im pretty sure he ate it...


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
or maybe hes just really starving and looking for more food... see if you can locate a really cheap source of shrimp. ghost, it doesnt really matter what kind. just keep adding pregnant guppies to the tank until youre at about 5-7 of them with however many males that survive. so it seems like you had 3 males all this time :p

i think you should just feed some frozen blood worms at night, WITHOUT turning on the light anywhere inthe room or the tank, and just drop them in there. make sure to not wake the bala or any other fish such as the guppies.

I had a similar problem when i kept goldfish, in that the goldfish would always swallow whole any algae wafers i dropped for my common pleco. so i basically fed him like this at night, w/o waking the goldfish. worked for 2 years until i had to move him to a bigger tank, and then to another owner.


Small Fish
Nov 15, 2009
lol yea i had all 4 males the whole time but i got 2 pregnant how many ghost shrimp should i get at a time and how many a week and such....?? and i have 4 male guppies and 2 females so how many more females do i need? btw thanks for all your help.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
I said around 7 (check my previous post) It up to you really.

Dont know if youre willing to pay for ghost shrimp...they can get expensive if you dont breed your own. But setting up their own tank can be a hassle. its still an option if youre patient...