New fish tank, What to get,

Apr 1, 2006
South England UK
Ok, as some of you may know i've got a love for plecos so im very picky when it comes to fish tanks,
i currently have a lovely little tank measuring at (in CM) 100 length by 40 depth and 40 height,

not bad, holding 160 litres and i believe 35.6 uk gallons,

However, theres not much room for me to add anything really, theres room for fish but not for any ronaments or caves etc...
I need a new tank as my current tank has many scratches on the front from previous owner. I dont really like tall fish tanks, i dont really go for fish that swim near the surface, i've been looking a lot at the fluval roma 200 or 240 litre and the juwel rio 180 or 240 isnt too bad, i just want a nice long tank thats not too high and has some good depth to it.

my ideal tank would be 4ft by 1ft by 1ft i think, or if its easier 120cm by 40cm by 50cm maybe a little taller, even up to 50cm tall as the length is better.

However, as far as i know theres no good branded tanks that are similar,

Anyone got any ideas?



Apr 1, 2006
South England UK
Ok I'm thinking of a fluval Roma 240 litre as its good looking and good size. I'm all excited now hehe. When the new tank is set up my 160 litre will be a breeding tank. No substrate and some sponge filters. And a special design for the fluval 205's inlet to keep a powerful filter but with no sucking up of babies....

Apr 1, 2006
South England UK
Yeah sponge is one way but it slows down the water flow too much. Actually stopped my filter working till I removed it. I was thinking of a bottle with hundreds of tiny holes(too small for babies to get through) but with enough surface area to get throug plenty of water and I'd have plenty of plants and ornaments and wood etc. one thing is... Is it worth having no substrate? I have a form of Eco substrate, it's a brown/ natural colour fine gravel type substrate, and ideas on whether it should go or stay?

Thanks, dan


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
for breeding and grow out tanks yes, its worth it having no substrate. if you do do substrate you dont want a dirty one, just rocks or sand. ive seen some people do just a bit of gravel or sand on half the breeder tank. but you want it to be simple and easy to clean because you will be overfeeding with babys generally, and so youll be doing a lot of water hanges and want it to be quick, no substrate makes it easy

Apr 1, 2006
South England UK
Oooh awesome idea.. I may have to go for that, i used tights haha, i know, it was a cool idea but was too restricting so ill get wire mesh hehe, ill also get a couple of air filters to spread out and help, il just have the 205 and the sponge filters...


i remember reading about carib sea eco substrate (black substrate for plants) and i really want to have black natural substrate but is it good for plecos? i just want the fishes colours to stand out and to create a good contrast between plants and wood etc, but would it be safe? or suitable for plecos? E.g is it sharp or very light like sand and cause a mess?
This would be for the new 240 litre aquarium,



Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
look for 20/40 blasting sand. here its 40lbs for 10$

and idk much about it, google it and see what people sand. Some sand is too hard on soft bellied fish like cats and plecos

Apr 1, 2006
South England UK
Ok, so I have a fluval Roma 240L aquarium on order and also have two 9kg bags of caribsea Eco complete substrate on the way. Hopefully that will be enough. Then I've also got some aquarium sealant on the way for some new caves. This is to make disassembly of the tank easier for catching fish in the future. We'll see how things go as they arrive xd