new fish

Mar 28, 2007
Hello im new to the forum so this might be a stupid question but if you dont ask you dont know i have a 55 gal with a tiger oscar so i know a little about tank up keep but i have a 55 gal i was thinking about setting up in a few days and a friend is going to bring me a male convict he is pretty big so i would say he is an adult but my question is my sister in law bought this fish pretty sure he is a cichlid but not sure what kind its blue with yellow fins its killed most of her fish and wants to get rid of it so if you might know what this fish is would it get along with the convict sorry about the long explanation im new any help would be appreciated Thanks


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
i think the fish is probably and african cichlid...probably mbana. but thats just a name im pulling from a hat.
if it is an african, which im sure it is. then they need to be kept in high pH waters with other africans, thier very aggressive. and the convict wouldnt live long, even though thier terribly devil sent fish(but i love them still), it would be killed


Superstar Fish
Mar 28, 2006
Chicago, IL
Just for the record - mbuna isn't a species, it's a group of rock-dwelling cichlids from Lake Malawi.

But yes, if the cichlid is indeed mbuna (or any African rift lake cichlid), it probably shouldn't be kept with the convict.

Any chance you could post a picture?


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
If you had plenty of territory with separate rock piles etc and weren't planning on putting anything except those two fish into the might work...but no guarantees of course. This is assuming you have two 55's right? one with the tiger and a new one you want to set up?


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
FreshwaterJeff said:
Just for the record - mbuna isn't a species, it's a group of rock-dwelling cichlids from Lake Malawi.
i knew this.

and i think you may even be able to keep the convict with the oscar...maybe. convicts are pretty nasty.


Superstar Fish
Jul 15, 2006
A male convict gets to a good size, 6" most commonly but Ive read that they can get to 7 or so inches. PLUS an oscar which we all know get pretty large (isnt it like 12-16 inches?) in a 55gal? No way. Not only will agression be an issue, but size of fish and tank space. simply not enough room IMO. 1 oscar for 55gals.
But on another note, ive seen africans mixed with CA and SAs in peoples tanks, and it works. but thats with a large mix of fish so the agression can be spread out. so basically, if it was the convict and the so called "african" we are talking about, im sure one is going to get bullied alot. So, theoretically it COULD work but its not suggested. you could sell the convict and get more africans, or sell the african and get some pretty female convicts for the big boy

Mar 28, 2007
i have 2 55s the oscar isnt very big about 4 inches so i didnt think the convict would be very good to put in that tank i was just wondering both fish are killing there tank mates so i thought i would put them in the extra tank if they would be ok thanks for all the replys


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
Visit site
I appreciate what the books say about this one - but show me a fish that has read that book, and signed an agreement to keep to what's written in it - and I'll pay more attention to them.

You have to accept that fish have personalities, and will not always behave to "type".

And given that we know that yellow and blue thing is a bit of a "psyco" - and the particular convict in question also has a tendency to be aggressive - I'd say you have a 95% chance of it turning into a bloodbath in there - probably as soon as the lights go out and you leave the room.

Let's face it - both those individual fish have a known personal record of being stroppy with other fish.

"Probably not a good idea" would seem to cover it ...........

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Fuzz16 said:
i think the fish is probably and african cichlid...probably mbana. but thats just a name im pulling from a hat.
if it is an african, which im sure it is. then they need to be kept in high pH waters with other africans, thier very aggressive. and the convict wouldnt live long, even though thier terribly devil sent fish(but i love them still), it would be killed
And pH is overrated IMO. The main thing i'd be looking out for when mixing Africans and SA/CAs is their diets.

I'd even be personally tempted to put the convict in with the oscar and see if it works. Of course depending on aggression to each other. I don't think its going to hamper your bioload much more then it already is. Just keep up the WCs.

If nothing else you can stick the 2 together and see what happens. As sick as it might sound, if the convict is a victim, convicts are a dime a dozen, no one is in short supply so if it doesn't work and a death can always get another if you really want to.

Just for fun lets take a shot in the dark. I'm guessing your fish is a Pseudotropheus acei

Mar 28, 2007
i really appreciate everyones replys thanks alot i think ill leave the convict out and use the 55 for the africans there are so many that a very colorful so i think thats the way to go thanks again