new fish!


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
so i went into the lfs where i had my store credit just to put a powder brown on order for next week ... not only did i order the powder brown but i walked out with a christmas wrasse and a midas blennie *SUPERSMIL ill take some pics as soon as i finish acclimating...
so now the stocking list for my 125g is :
naso tang
christmas wrasse
yellow watchman goby
midas blennie
and as soon as he comes in powder brown tang
i plan to add a pair of true percs soon as well and that pretty much sums it up

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Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
yea i thought that was pretty cool
until i let him out in the tank and he buried himself *crazysmil the midas blennies is still hidding too so i guess the pics will have to wait until they come out :eek:

i started transfering everything over coral wise tonite... still got a few things in the holding tank and some rearranging to do but i should have some pics tommorow ;) looking pretty promising so far

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Large Fish
Apr 19, 2006
Just remember they're not reefsafe at all, and look, well, different as adults.

You might get some friction between a naso and a powder brown, so be prepared to pull one - if I had to choose I'd take the naso out as in a 125 yo'll be able to keep the powder brown long term, the naso will outgrow it.

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
Here is what I found about their reef combatibility:

This species will eat a wide variety of small invertebrates, including small clams, chitons, fan worms and even small cucumbers. It will aid the reef aquarist in controlling populations of fire worms, pyramidellid snails and commensal flatworms. I couldn't find much about eating corals.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
everything i read about the christmas wrasse in addition to talking to members of my local reef club say that christmas wrasse' are reef safe just not 100% invert safe meaning small hermits (wich i dont want hemits anyways) , small snails, and brittle stars .... suposivly shrimps are fine and they arent really known as coral nippers either.. only problem i have is about the snails .. i hear they like to destroy them *ALL* *twirlysmi and that if i want to keep snails ill have to keep adding them every once in a while.. and besides nothing here is etched in stone anyone that doesnt work out can be traped and traded in so...

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Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
The midas blenny is a great addition. I still miss mine and wish I had waited and got another rather than the bi-color.......mine used to have his own hidey hole in the rock that he would back in and out of.....wasn't shy about coming out and swimming about in the open either. They swim like eels as they don't have swim bladders.....very nice addition.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
the christmas wrasse finally came out this evening.. i tried my hardest to get some pics but every time he sees me sneak up he hides.... hey at least he un burried himself... the midas blenny found a base rock that has a hole and is hollow but too bad you can only see him sticking his head out from a crazy angle..... the naso even hides most of the time and the watchman that goes without saying... so pretty much i have four fish in there and it still looks empty fishwise.... im thinking a pair of percs will pretty much always be out its just too bad all ive seen around are false percs .. i guess ill have to get around this weekend and see what i can find

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Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
ok the fish seem a little more photogenic today :D
heres the best one i could get of the midas blenny with the naso tang

heres one of the yellow waychman goby

and heres one of just the naso

as far as the christmas wrasse he pretty hard to get standing stll but this is the best i can do for now :eek: doesnt do him any justice since you cant see the colors on his face or the pattern at all

more to come as soon as i can get better pics ;)

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Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
yea i read the same thing but i also read "Larger tanks are advantageous as many of the Midas Blenny's aggressive behavior traits seem to relate to a confining tank situation" im hoping everything turns out ok though

Lotus said:
Your naso looks like he needs some feeding up. Hopefully you're stuffing him full of nori
yea he definitly need to be fattened up a little... he was just such a bargain at $23 i couldnt pass him up


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
alright well i definitly rushed things and thats exectly what i didnt want to do but what can i do now ? *SUPERSMIL i picked up a large hippo tang today... i decided after much thought that as much as i want a powder brown i think it will look too similar to the naso .. also i got a true perc *crazysmil pics a little later once everyone is acclimated