New fish


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
Meet Sampson. He's a male Jack Dempsey that I picked up Tuesday night after work. I decided Vixen (the fenestratus in the background of some of the pictures) needed a man to keep her company, as she seemed very fond of Talon when she was briefly with him but he wasn't nice to her. Finding a male fenestratus and then a tank big enough to house them isn't likely any time soon, so I spotted Sampson here in the store next to my office (that's right...I work next to a damn LFS) and figured I'd try him out for the time being. I don't normally like Jacks...any adult Jack that I've ever seen has been butt ugly because they're always deformed. But Sampson here at 5" is absolutely stunning and has absolutely perfect body form, so I snagged him.

Size compare to Vixen, lol

Next step after Christmas is to change the substrate to black...both Sampson and Vixen look much better over it.


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
That is a nice fish. I agree, usually adult dempseys look old and ragged and are very unappealing. Yours looks good.
I've been told it's almost always due to too-small tanks and/or poor diet as the Jacks grow, and since that will obviously never be a problem for Sampson here as long as I have him, I'm hoping he'll keep his awesome (and proper!) shape. I'll have to see how he matures I suppose.

Vixen isn't that big actually, she's only about 10". She just looks huge compared to Sampson, lol.

Thanks for the comments all!