New Fishes ???


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I am wanting to get a few Wrasses for the tank and this is my wish list. I won't be getting all of these fish, most likely about four of them, and wanted to see if they would be all right for my tank. Vivid says on their web site that they would be all right with the shrimp and other fish I have in the tank, but I have learned not to trust alot of what I read :).

Exquisite Fairy Wrasse
Filamented Wrasse
McCosker's Wrasse
Solar Fairy Wrasse
Yellowstreak Fairy Wrasse
Pink Margin Wrasse


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
How big is your tank? You want a lot of swimming room if you are going to have multiple wrasses. I don't know anything about the pink margin but the wrest should be compatible. I have had a solar fairy and a couple other fairy wrasses before and they were all mellow. My McCosker's is a bit aggressive. He doesn't attack the other fish but will charge at them and let them know he's the boss. Even the poisonous fang blenny that could make short work of the McCoskers if it wanted to.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Strout you should be fine with all those in your 150g. They are all smaller and are active fish, though some do better in small schools of females with one male. In which case look at a small school of fairy wrasses or flashers. All should be reef safe and are great to have if you have any clams as they tend to eat pyramiid snails.