New fishie:) Paradise Fish


Superstar Fish
I couldn't resist. I just couldn't. We don't ever get these fish around here. Our Petco got 3 in last week, and I was tempted, but they looked like poo. I resisted. Then, today, on a trip to Petquarters, it happened. We had said "No matter what....we're not getting anything. Unless they're selling zebra plecs for 3$ a piece or something." Well of course that didn't happen. They had a whole tank full of paradise fish! Beautiful males and a few females, I do believe. I just had to have one:p So now he's in quarantine. He'll be going into a 10g for a short time (by himself) and then hopefully (fingers crossed) he'll go into the new 55g. I have reservations as to whether or not he'd behave himself with rainbowfish and the I hear some are terribly vicious.

So, I'm pretty happy:) Just thought I'd share! Maybe I'll snap some pics tonight and post a few.

lol, and i was going to ask which paradise fish you got o_O. well now that i know you got the Blue Paradisefish, im satisfied, wow what a gorgeous male you got there! they get fin nippy, especially those who have long fins. as long as its somewhat heavily planted tank, they wont bother too much. if you have a whole forest in there, dont expect to see them much, lol. they just LOVE hanging in dense overgrowth, well maybe growth only, lol

good thing you didnt get a female, it'll be attempt courtship for most of the time, but if you do want to breed them, provide them with lotza plants and 2 females. he'll build a giant bubblenest where prying eyes cant see, mostly in the back or the middle of the forest. good luck with him!


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
I've seen paradise fish around here a lot (the whole New England area)...even a walmart had some that looked very good (they must not have had them more than a day, didn't get a chance to start killing them). I'm surprised that they aren't more common can see whole tanks of them, $2 a piece. I couldn't resist either...


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Neat. I just picked up two the other day, a male and female I think, not sure. They went into the 45, and Im not sure they even know the other exists. They are quite young, but full of color.

Looks like you have a nice one there Leo!


Superstar Fish
Thanks orion. Guess I missed that post...

I managed to get a semi better picture just now. I think he's so gosh darn cute. He was doing the funniest things this morning. I was standing at the tank watching him as he ate. Then, 5 minutes into it, he *finally* realized I was there. I can't even describe it LOL. He freaked out, charged about an inch toward the glass. Halted to a dead stop. Was waggling his fins about wildly. Charged another inch forward and stopped. He did that all the way to the front of the glass where he smooshed his face against it and was looking at me all funny. Ahh, he's cute.