New frags!


Superstar Fish
Jun 5, 2006
Kent, OH
Just got back from the swap alittle bit ago and ended up with some nice frags! Heres what i ended up with

Aog Pallys only got 6 polyps...

Green Birdsnest

Orange Monti (looks pink here but its orange) its about a 3"x3" piece

I also got a huge arch rock its about 1/2 the size of my 29g and a box of base rock for free.. ill be gettin a 4 headed hammer this week and about 100 orange with a steel rim zoas.. pics to come


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
very nice ! lol every time some one posts about new frags makes me wanna go out a spend $ i shouldnt :p im ordering new reeflux bulbs and maybe a few more koralias this week so that should hold me off, oh yea i also ordered some blue palys a few days ago which will be here sometime this week so i be sure to post pics when they get here ;).... jim i didnt realize u set another tank up, how longs it been up? a 29g u say? what equipment u runnng?


Superstar Fish
Jun 5, 2006
Kent, OH
ill have a fts for ya this comming weekend my camera broke! the 29's been up since i took the 150 down :( missing it every day! im gettin a 55g for free but i don't like the dimentions of it so im looking into gettin a 40g breeder for like 40 bucks.. i really want a 75rr but can't seem to find a used 1.. as for equipment goes i got a 175watt mh and a crappy powerhead its the kind that sweeps back and forth, its like 600gph.. i just got a Koralia #4 a few weeks ago but im not putting in in there.. it would be bad! i forgot to put the pic of the mushroom rock i got.. there's 20 polyps or so on there ill attach it now.. i have about 70lbs or more of base rock ive been collection over the months.. i got some rods and ive been drilling the rock for the next tank, looking nice IMO..

paid 20 for this.. also i picked up a tri color acro but its not very colorful and only 1 'twig' lol.. i need to order a new bulb for my MH.. thinking about going 20k.. what do you guys think?

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
i really want a 75rr but can't seem to find a used 1
Ugh! Tell me about it. I'm in the same boat.

i need to order a new bulb for my MH.. thinking about going 20k.. what do you guys think?
Never used 20k myself, but the general consensus on it is that its bluer in color then the other bulbs. I'm really happy with the color of my 14k, might put an actinic T5 with it as soon as my big tank gets setup. 20k will work no doubt, just depends on how blue you want the tank i guess.


Superstar Fish
Jun 5, 2006
Kent, OH
From what ive seen and heard 20k makes the corals pop more, i don't want to use a 14k then have to supplement it with actinic's.. as far as the 75rr goes I may just end up with a regular tank and drill it b/c im tired of searching! i like the 40g breeders also and theres a local guy selling 1 for 40 bucks new in the package.. question is will 1 mh cover the tank? .. another question about my acro and birdsnest i got today.. not really sure but they like alot of flow right? and what about light? im sure they will be fine under my 175 right? I know i shoulda researched it before i bought it but i just assumed they would be ok lol


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
theyll be fine under your light but you may need to up your flow a bit (youll still want them closer to the top)... IME 14k is better for coral growth than 20k, and when i added my actinics it didnt make much of a differance as far as adding more color it was more about simulating dusk/dawn


Superstar Fish
Jun 5, 2006
Kent, OH
Thanks for the info about the lights tre, what brand do you use? I seen theres a bunch of cheap knockoffs on ebay for like 12.00 .. anyone tried them? maybe ill be the first lol..