New from Ohio


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
Hi everyone. I recently uprgraded from a plain old ten gallon to a 26 gallon bowfront aqaurium. I currently have 4 platies, 4 cory cats and 1 male dwarf gourami. I am looking into adding live plants to my aquarium, starting with a flourite substrate. I was thinking of adding some dwarf hairgrass, dwarf anubias and dwarf ambulia. I was also thinking about trading in my platies for some lemon and/or flame tetras and a female dwarf gourami. I really like lemon tetras and the gouramis, but they like a heavily planted tank. You can't really get a heavily planted tank with artificial plants so I would like to switch to live plants. Are live plants hard to keep, and does this setup sould like it would work? Any help would be great.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Welcome! Ive heard a lot of people raving about how much they love their lemon tetras, I think they'd be a great choice for a planted tank.

I dont know if you'd want to put a male and a female gourami together...if they pair up and breed they'd be dangerous to the other fish in the tank...and if they dont pair up the male may kill the female.

Sorry...not sure on the plants...but you can read through our planted forum and see what they have in there and maybe ask some specific questions in there.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
I have only seen them once around here at a store. They were the COOLEST little fish...and by little I mean TINY. This one is the last remaining male, when I found them at petsmart I got a group of 6 I think and the biggest female was smaller than a neon, we're talkin maybe a 1/2 inch after having them for more than a year. Then through a few moves and new tankmates and an apple snail explosion in that little 5g tank, I'm down to the one little last one. I'd get some more in a heartbeat if I could find them...but I haven't seen em again. They actually remind me of tiny little harlequin rasboras, they hung out with them in the same tank and even schooled together sometimes. They're a schooling fish, so its best to keep them in a group of at least 5 or so.