New fry

May 7, 2010
Im so new to all of this. We have a 55 gallon tank and put platys mollies and danios in there over the last few months. I noticed that one of the gold platys was just monstrously fat awhile back. Well she was pregnant. I happened to notice about 2 weeks ago that she wasnt fat anymore but didnt see any little ones. Today I found 2 in the tank so far. What do I do with them. I would like to keep them from harm.

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
I would add more fine-leafed plants, like hornwort, anacharis, cambomba carolinia, or even water wisteria, depending on how many watts of light per gallon you have. However, it might be a bit tricky to feed them after they outgrow eating the microscopic organisms on the plants. You could move the fry to a breeder's box or breeder's net, which is a floating container that would go inside your current tank. My only worry with this is that you might stress them out quite a bit. You could try crushing up fish food and placing the food in a syringe, then squeezing the syringe into the plants to see if the babies will eat it without the other fish acting nosy. The babies will also eat Hikari fry pellets. Also, the fry need to be fed 5-7 times a day. Just be careful you don't feed too much each time. Having that much fish food in your tank would cause problems. I hope this helps! Best of luck!