New girl on the block !

Hi, everyone !

I'm new around here and just wanted to stop in and introduce myself ! Looks like a great site, and I'm looking forward to helping where ever I can, and learning some things from you all too.

Some things about myself, I keep mostly African Cichlids, mainly from the Lake Victoria region but I have kept cichlids from just about every other region, including a few from South America and some American varieties as well. However my main interest is in Africans because IMO, their spunky attitudes and incredible beauty can't be beat.

I just recently moved back to my home town of Tucson after living in Fort Lauderdale for a bit and have taken up Mountain Climbing in the past few months, my biggest climb being just under 10,000 feet. Anyone here climb too ?

Looks like a great board, and I'm happy to have joined your community ! :)


Small Fish
Mar 3, 2004
Princeton, NJ
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Hi Cindy Windy and welcome!

I'm new here as well. I'm also new to fishkeeping but have admired aquatic creatures all my life. I also have cats and pretty much love all flora and fauna. :D

I also love to climb, but I've never climbed anything that requires special equipment. So, no alpine climbing for me. My mom used to call me a mountain goat because I wanted to climb up every tree, every hill, every chimney, roof (you name it) that I ever saw. ;)

Again, welcome aboard!

Wow, thank you for the warm welcome !

Ecotank, I've heard great things about the Half Dome, I have a friend who climbed there last year, although I have not been there myself. I think that is a 12,000-foot elevation ? Nice ! :)

Rocketshrimp, I see you are from Phoenix, any great clubs there in your area ? I have a few friends up that way that would like to get involved in one so if you know of one, some information for your area would be greatly appreciated !

Thanks again for the welcome ! :)

Hi, Art ! You have great taste in fish ! What do you keep ?

The only Lake Malawis I've kept were a tank full of Dimidiochromis compressiceps about 2 years ago. They were some of the most beautiful and interesting fish I have ever kept in my years of keeping fish. I would love to have them again if they weren't so rare around here.


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2003
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Not Cold Mountain, silly me saw it previous night!!, I meant "Touching the Void" which was more like a Channel 4 documentary than a feature but real life is always more engaging than fiction. I've never climbed but always been fascinated by what drives people to put themselves through that tortuous hell. I do understand how some people do not feel alive unless they are putting their lives in danger....glad I stuck with the relative safety of rugby and motorcycle racing!!

I'm amazed that any climber would miss "Into Thin Air", this is about the commercialisation of climbing and the Everest disaster when 6 climbers lost their lives in one night.....and others lost eyesight, limbs and extremeties through frostbite. It started the whole Jon Krakauer- Anatoli Boukreev dispute.

I have a 90g community with cyps, calvus, leleupi, julies, a tret and syno petricola; a 40g with ocellatus and petricola; a 20g with multies and petricola.

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You have great taste in fish ! Have you gotten any fry from any of those yet ?

I guess I missed Into Thin Air, but then I have only been climbing since November. Living in Fort Lauderdale for the past few years didn't give me much opportunity as the only hills you come across there are the ones you build in the beach sand ! I am just getting to the point of climbing without harnessing to my instructor in the past month or so, which has been a whole new experience for me to be on my own ! I don't consider myself a "thrill-seeker" and these types of sports are not really a pattern for me, but living in a very mountainous region it is a very common activity here and one that I found myself intrigued with.

One aspect that I have gained much interest in is documenting photographically my experiences, and I'd like to get further into that end of things. If you are interested, I have posted a few pictures of some of my recent climbs on another site :

As you can see, the scenery is very beautiful !

I laughed when I read your interests are rugby and motorcycle racing ! Holy smokes, your interests make mine seem safe ! LOL !


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2003
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Hi Cindy,

So far I have had fry from (in event order) julies, leleupi, cyps, multies and ocellatus. I have a lone male tret, just 2 male calvus and the synos are unsexed but I'd rather not have spawns from them if I can avoid it. I have no desire to have a breeding set up, actually the Tangs are quite easy to come by here so are difficult to move on. I would prefer it if in future fry could be predated within each tank. I'm in it for the observation of behaviour really, and the fun of setting tanks up.

all the best, I'll take a gander at your photos in a spare moment....

....have I just been tricked into registering?

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