New Girl On The Block

Hello all. I'm Maryland USA. I am a SAHM mom to 4 girls. I currently have 9 tank setups. (soon to be 10) And my first fish love is oscars...

4 -75 gallon tanks....1 has 2- 8 inch gold oscars I do not know if they are a pair yet....will have to wait and see....2 each have a pair of tiger oscars in them... and 1 has a 12 inch male tiger oscar and a rarer breed of of oscar, Crassipinnis Astronautus (there is as of yet no common name for this oscar) These last two are seperated by a divider until my new 75 is ready ( hopefully soon). The crassipinnis is THE meanest oscar I have ever owned. Oh and there are some 13-14 inch snow king plecos thrown in the mix. Not to mention 2 HUGANTIC apple snails...bigger than my fist.

2- 55 gallons...1 with a breeding pair of Firemouths. 1 with a GORGEOUS breeding pair of Jack Dempseys. Both of these pairs are GREAT parents.

1- 60 gallon custom made octagon coffee table tank..this one is a pain is the butt and just has a few big goldfish in it for looks and color.

1-30 gallon. This has a pair of red hook silver dollars and a beautiful queen arabesque pleco. Their only tank mates are a bunch of colorful mystery snails. ( I'm one of those rare people who LOVE snails!!!)

1-10 gallon in the kitchen that has few very small tropicals in it. You know ..neons and platys and such.

This looks like a GREAT board!!!! Oh and BEWARE I cant type worth a damn and tend to ramble anyway.... :D


Large Fish
Mar 10, 2003
Visit site
hello candace,
Where on earth do you find the room for all those tank set-ups?
I have one 20 gal tank, and a 4ft snake tank, I want a bigger fish tank so will maybe have to move house!Or wait till the kids leave home then I can use their rooms.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I like snails too... have a pair of applesnails
that keep laying eggs... so my 55 gallon tank
if full of babies....
I am in Florida, have 4 tanks,
150g with various synodontis
55g with blood fins, german rams, lots of plants and snails
37g with big glob of java moss and lots of lemon tetras and
cory cats,
20g with 5 of the cutest petricola catfish (more synodontis)

-- welcome to the bowl.

Thanks for the kind welcomes.
Tramca, I live in a 4 bedroom rambler so you'd think it'd be crowded, what with our zoo (and my fish are only the tip of the iceburg)not to mention 4 girls. The tanks are all on stands that each hold 2 tanks. I have tanks in the living room, dining room and master bedroom, so it really works out nicely. I will tell you though that the 2 75s in the bedroom can make it terribly humid! large apple snails have never laid eggs. Well...then again they probably have but the oscars probably eat them before I see them. They eat EVERYTHING that comes their way the pigs! Don't have any babies yet at all in any tank..but I do have clusters of eggs now in the 30 gallon. Maybe from the new purple rams horns? My brother will take all the snails I can grow to feed his blowfish so I don't ever have to worry about over population. *LOL*