New Gold Gourami


Medium Fish
Apr 1, 2006
Southern NH
I just picked up a teeny little gold gourami. I'm hoping he (or she...) will survive the stress of being put in the tank. He's just over an inch long. Got some pictures. Because he seems to have the beginnings of some stripes, my husband wanted to name him Tigger...

Are they fast growers, and how long do they live? I've tested the tank and everythings good. (ammonia-0, nitrite-0, nitrate-10) Pretty neutral pH.


Large Fish
Jul 27, 2005
Grove, Oklahoma
they can grow from 4-6" and I would expect him to be full grown within the year. Now here's the not so pleasant part, if he is a male, and in a community tank, he can get very territorial and start nipping, and beating up your otyher fish. You will want to add lot's of fake plants to break up line of sight. Now having him in your 30 gallon is a good idea, because they do need room, but you might want to check the compatibility of him with your danio's and the like. It is typically more advisable to go with a female gourami, as they tend to be less aggressive than the males, unless you are wanting a breeding pair. I use to have a female gold gourami, but I found even she was too aggressive for the fish in my 75 gallon signature.


Medium Fish
Apr 1, 2006
Southern NH
The danios cycled the tank, and the barbs are a few years old already. I know that the danios won't live as long because they've been through the "chemical war." It's a planted tank with driftwood too. This gourami (not sure if it's male or female) will be the only "big" fish in the tank. He/she may be the smallest at the moment, but I expect that before too long they'll be king of the tank.