New GSPs

Dec 8, 2004
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I haven't been on in a LONG time!!! School's been crazy. Anyway- so last quarter, my roommate decided that whatever someone was cooking outside in the kitchen of the dorms smelled really bad, and the smell got into our room. She THEN decided that it was time to OD on the airfreshener. Yup- eight bettas- gone- one survivor.

SO- I changed out all the water and hosed out the tank for about forever, and I started a cycle again before winter break. Now it's a FW/low brackish tank with 2 baby GSP in a 10 gallon (I know- too small, but it's better than the petstore's 8 gallon with 8 fish.) My friend is getting an apartment in May so they'll be moving into a 40 or 60 gallon at his house while I stay at the dorms for another year.

After that long-winded intro, here's my question. Both puffers are the same size, but I've noticed that one seems to be in one corner of the tank a lot. He swims up and down the side of the tank (which I've heard comes from boredom) but he comes out to eat. Ferocious eaters. The other one roams the tank a little more, but he also sort of stays in that corner. They're not picking on each other, so I'm not sure what's going on. Water quality, temp, everything's fine. They moved in yesterday, so are they just afraid of their new environment?


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
why dont you post your #'s? (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate...any pH or temperature swings, what is the temp set at) Maybe something thats "fine" to you is something someone will disagree with? I'm sorry I dont know much about DSP's. What have you been feeding them?

Sorry to hear about the bettas tho!!

Dec 8, 2004
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blah- I need to get a better test kit. I get free ones from the store I work at, but they're the little dip strips. Nitrites, nitrates, and ammonia are all on the first square though, so that's good. Water's on the hard side, and Ph is right in the middle, which is also good for the puffers. The temperature is at 80 right now- I have thermometers on both sides of the tank.

They were fed the morning I got them. They're fed krill, bloodworms, brineshrimp, and pond snails. I bought all that stuff for here too. About an hour ago I gave them a freeze dried krill to tear apart- which they totally did.

I'm thinking the little guys are just scared. I just want a second opinion though.

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Superstar Fish
Nov 22, 2004
Cape Cod, MA
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I think it's hard to make a determination about this sort of behavior within the first week. If they were introduced yesterday, your number should be fine right now, but keep in mind you have some real slobs on your hands. ;)


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Water change water change water change. Wile they should be fine in a 10 for some time. GSP are very slow growers, and will be fine in that 10 for the time frame you are looking at. With that said, they are horribly messy fish, and the only way to keep them healthy in a small body of water such as a 10 is water changes. I would recommend 50% every week if not more.

Also do check your ammonia. Wile it should be fine at this point. If you fishless cycled, i wouldn't be surprised if you are reeding some ammonia. These guys are messy.

Dec 8, 2004
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lol they are!! (messy) I used to feed them at the petshop every other morning. Ugh. Haha they're SO cute though. I want to post some pictures if I can get my camera connected to the computer. I really am technology retarded.

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