New Guy Here!


New Fish
Apr 13, 2006
Hey everyone,

I have a couple of newbie questions. I bought a 20 Gallon Tall Tank that is currently cycling. I thought of some fish to put in there already and I want to check if it's a safe mix or over populated for my 20 Gallon. I have the following in mind:

- 6 Neon Tetras
- 1 Guppy
- 1 Blue Ram
- 1 Panda Catfish

I'm guessing it might be a little over crowded, since I have a tall tank? Also, I have a Whisper Filter that's for 10-30 Gallon Tanks and it causes a lot of circulation. Would this be a problem for the fish? Thanks in advance, I really appreciate your support *PEACE!*


Superstar Fish
Aug 21, 2005
Clinton, NY
Hey there and welcome to the tank *thumbsups

How long has your tank been cycling? Have you been testing the water levels?

On the stock- you should be able to add some more fish to that mix without overstocking. You'll definitly need more Cories. Cories need to be kept in groups of at least 2 and preferably 6. For a 20g, I'd suggest 3-4 Panda Cory :)

With the Ram, keep in mind that they require very good water conditions, so make sure your tank is really done with its cycling before adding any. I've read that they do better in pairs. So two would probably be better than one.

The Neon number sounds fine. I've found them to be great beginner fish. I would have all six of my originals, but I had a suicidal one a few weeks ago :eek:

I'm not the best one to ask about Guppies... I love them and think they're beautiful little fish, but I've had horrid luck with them. I've lost 7 out of the 8 guppies I've bought over the past 2 months. I don't find them to be the hardiest fish in the world. On the other hand, many keep them successfully, but I personally believe they belong in a species tank. If you're going to get some, I so suggest more than just 1. 4-6 would be a nice number and unless you want babies, make sure you get all males :p

I've had a great experience using Whispers. Is it an intank or a regular HOB? Either way, it'll be fine as long as it's for 20g+

Your tank is sure to be very colorful :)


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
A lot of people have a single ram, and if you get a pair they are much more aggressive and would torment the cories. I do agree that they're sensitive and should be added last, once the tank is well established.

None of those fish will mind the current from a filter... a lot of fish actually like to play in the current.

Like PC said, the cories need to be in groups, and you have room on the bottom for a group of 3-4 (probably even 6, pandas are one of the smaller cories). That's a good mix of fish, and not overpopulated. Good luck :)


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
What she said ^^^^^^^^

After the tank is well seasoned (2-3 months old) I would toss a few otos in the mix for algae control. They are so tiny they hardly add anything to your bioload.


New Fish
Apr 13, 2006
Wow! Thanks for the quick reply guys *thumbsups The tanks been cycling for about a week almost. I didn't know about the fishless cycling up until two days ago. I have 2 small gold fishes in there right now :eek: poor little bastards! I'm guessing it will take a long time at the rate the ammonia is going up. I have a test kit for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and pH. Oh, and my filter is a HOB PlecoCollector. I can't wait to get started, thanks guys!*BOUNCINGS


Large Fish
Jan 24, 2006
Yeah, I agree with Up_UP_AND_GUPPY, about getting all males or all females. guppies also like to be in groups, from my miniscule knowledge, so maybe 3-4...good luck! sounds like have a nice set-up coming :)