New Guy putting a tank together...

Feb 7, 2008
Hey everyone! I have been reading through these forums for the last 2 days now and decided to join. I was actually looking for new puppies for my g/f for V-day and came across someone selling their tank. I have a 55gal with a nice wooden stand sitting at home and suddenly got the urge to put my tank back together. It's been years since I have had it up and running but was just a kid and knew nothing about it. (no wonder my fish all died, haha) Ok, well im older now and really looking forward to getting this back together. I just had a couple of questions before I get started:

1. Can I use Black sand blaster sand? I use this stuff in my sand blaster cabinate to remove paint from automotive parts. I always thought it would make a nice sand for a fish tank. I don't think it's treated with chemicals so it should be ok right?

2. Probably a stupid question but how warm should I keep my tank. I don't even have a heater at this point, any recomendations on one?

3. Probably another stupid question long does the cycling process take? If i filled my tank and get it up and running by say Saturday, how long would it before I threw some fish in there?

Thanks in advance for all the help. Im looking forward to being here...



Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
Im not sure if that sand is safe or not. My geuss is no.

How warm depends on what kind of fish you want, so decide that first :p

Everyone does their tanks differently. But usually a cylce take a couple weeks or so. There are many ways to go about it, some not so good.

Feb 7, 2008
I actually read through another thread about converting your tank from gravel to sand and I guess the same sand I was talking about "Black Beauty" is commanly used in fish tanks. I think it's only like $11 for a 10 lb. bag. I thihnk that is going to be my substrate. I think im going to start there. Is there anything I should do since my tank has been sitting there for a few years? It's all clean, but should i just whip it out with a damp rag, put the sand in, and fill it up? I still need to look into the filter too. The last I remember it was something like $150. I know that doesn't mean its a good one but I think it is if I remember correctly. I'll have to look into that and buy a heater.


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
Feb 7, 2008
Thanks guys, those links were all def helpful. Im planning on working on the tank this weekend. I have a few hours available tomorrow and Sunday so Im going to see if i can go to the pet store and get some things like supplies for the filter, a siphone to clean the sand, water testers, and some 100% amonia. I also want to get to the hardware store to buy the sand. Ill post some pics of the progress.

Aside from working I also have a side business making signs and things. I have been trying to think of a nice backdrop for the tank that I could make myself. I might even just put something plain up. I haven't decided yet.