New guy

Aug 19, 2009
I have come across this site alot, and used info I've found on here, but never stopped to say hi. so... Hi

Anyway, I am a member of two other sites, ultimate bettas, and dfwfishbox. I am always trying to find helpful information, and the former helps on bettas, but.. the last one... I can never get sound advice on, just pure opinion, and that isn't what I am looking for.

When it comes to questions, I want a straight forward answer, I saw I have decided I want to bulid a sump for my 55 gallon goldfish tank, and want to know what sized tank I should make it out of, I don't want to hear, you should buy this instead, or do this.

I can be nice, I can me mean. I don't have much experence, just started back in February with a betta, and now I have two 55 gal. tanks and 3 10 gal. tanks. so the hobby took off, and i owe some people a lot, all but 2 of the ten gallon tanks were either given to me, or I traded for rare videogames and other stuff, since I don't have much money.

As of aug. 4th I am a father, and I have to agree with my parents, they make babies cute so you don' t hit them lol

I love 3rd gen camaros, I had a 1990 RS for my first car, till someone hit it while it was parked and totaled it. now I drive a 94 mazda mx-3, at least I am still in the sports car area.

I am unemployeed, not surprising given the way the economy is. I have several certifications, but no one is hiring based on that when they do hire now.

well I guess I can give ya a tank list, so ya know what I am dealing with lol

-Community 55 (with heavy filteration): 10 female bettas, 3 males, 10 longfin albino corydoras, 3 short fin albino corydoras, 2 pepper or spotted corydoras, 2 oto's.

-Coldwater 55 (in need of heavy filteration): 2 fantail goldfish, 3 longfin zebra danios, 3 gold longfin zebra danios

- (2) betta ten gallon tanks: divided into three parts, one for each betta. one with two HM and CT, one with three VTs.

- Betta ten gallon: one betta, my girlfriends

- 2.5 gallon with an 80 gph filter for 3 small guppies. I know it is too small, but they kept killing off my females by gang raping them one by one, it was horrible.... Consider it a jail.

That's a run down. I plan on adopting out the VTs, because I constantly get in more rescues.