i am new here, i actually found this site look for information on red belly piranha
now don't get the wrong impression (yes im 19 and intrigued by the though of filling my tank with a school of rbp's but this would be far from the first time i have had fish i actually grew up with my father breeding angels and we have raised some of the biggest tri color bala sharks i have ever seen (without the use of steroids, we had one that was 11-12inches long give or take) i have also delt with pretty much anything they sell at any chain pet store like petsmart or petco)
back to the topic
i recently had to sell my last group of fish i had owned since juveniles
which consisted of 3 turquoise severum (had them about 2 years and they were 6-8inches long) 4 tri color balas that were 5-6inches (only had them for 9-10months) 4 blood parrots that were about 4-6inches 1 black veil tetra (about 1.5-2inches and about 4 years old) and 2 pleco's (just jeneric black plecos from walmart i got for my birthday when i was 4 for my first tank and at the time were 14 years old and 13-14inches long)
all in a 100gallon breeder tank
well due to financial probems i needed the money and sold them to a friends mom (whom put them in a 125g long tank, and i get to visit them any time i want)
i still have my 100g breeder tank and 250gph filter and stand and gravel,rocks,decorations,250watt submersable heater,and light
and had been tossing arround the idea of getting some rbp's
because i have had pretty much everything else (ok i may not have had the most diverse lineup of fish but i have owned allot of different animals such as a dwarf pigmy hedgehog,mojave ball python,rear fanged green tree snake,flying squirrel,ferrits,cats,dogs,iguana,chinese water dragon,brarded dragon,and for a week a friend of mine brought over his hatchling (about 13inches long at the time) while he went to disneyland
sorry i have add and keep getting off topic
the question i posted this topic to ask is
is there anything i should know about rbp's before i get my tank setup?
also the tank i will be using is a 100gallon breeder (not sure of exact measurements but it's basicly the same size of a regular 55gallon but a 55 is like 48x12x21 or something this is like 48x20x22 or something in that ball park i know it's 100gallon.
anyway would that be big enough for say 10-12 red bellies?
i found a website (because the local breeder wants $30 each for a rbp that is 0.75-1inch long juvies whereas i found a reputable site that has them for $5 each or 12 for $50 i know 12 is probably to many for the size tank but thats why i am here asking the questions
also i hear that some cichlids can co habitate with piranha and the guy at the local mom and pop pet shoppe said that when the piranha tanks get to full they throw some in with tetra's and they get along fine
so i don't know
any suggestions,info,help anything is appriciated
i am new here, i actually found this site look for information on red belly piranha
now don't get the wrong impression (yes im 19 and intrigued by the though of filling my tank with a school of rbp's but this would be far from the first time i have had fish i actually grew up with my father breeding angels and we have raised some of the biggest tri color bala sharks i have ever seen (without the use of steroids, we had one that was 11-12inches long give or take) i have also delt with pretty much anything they sell at any chain pet store like petsmart or petco)
back to the topic
i recently had to sell my last group of fish i had owned since juveniles
which consisted of 3 turquoise severum (had them about 2 years and they were 6-8inches long) 4 tri color balas that were 5-6inches (only had them for 9-10months) 4 blood parrots that were about 4-6inches 1 black veil tetra (about 1.5-2inches and about 4 years old) and 2 pleco's (just jeneric black plecos from walmart i got for my birthday when i was 4 for my first tank and at the time were 14 years old and 13-14inches long)
all in a 100gallon breeder tank
well due to financial probems i needed the money and sold them to a friends mom (whom put them in a 125g long tank, and i get to visit them any time i want)
i still have my 100g breeder tank and 250gph filter and stand and gravel,rocks,decorations,250watt submersable heater,and light
and had been tossing arround the idea of getting some rbp's
because i have had pretty much everything else (ok i may not have had the most diverse lineup of fish but i have owned allot of different animals such as a dwarf pigmy hedgehog,mojave ball python,rear fanged green tree snake,flying squirrel,ferrits,cats,dogs,iguana,chinese water dragon,brarded dragon,and for a week a friend of mine brought over his hatchling (about 13inches long at the time) while he went to disneyland
sorry i have add and keep getting off topic
the question i posted this topic to ask is
is there anything i should know about rbp's before i get my tank setup?
also the tank i will be using is a 100gallon breeder (not sure of exact measurements but it's basicly the same size of a regular 55gallon but a 55 is like 48x12x21 or something this is like 48x20x22 or something in that ball park i know it's 100gallon.
anyway would that be big enough for say 10-12 red bellies?
i found a website (because the local breeder wants $30 each for a rbp that is 0.75-1inch long juvies whereas i found a reputable site that has them for $5 each or 12 for $50 i know 12 is probably to many for the size tank but thats why i am here asking the questions
also i hear that some cichlids can co habitate with piranha and the guy at the local mom and pop pet shoppe said that when the piranha tanks get to full they throw some in with tetra's and they get along fine
so i don't know
any suggestions,info,help anything is appriciated