New here. Have some questions. :)


Small Fish
Mar 26, 2010
Van Buren, AR
Hi. I need some help identifying and caring for a few things that grew from my LR. One is a group of red bubble things that are growing right next to a greenish sponge. They are growing rather quickly. It started out with 3 bubbles, doubled in size over about 4 days and now appear to have a fourth bubble. Any idea what they are? Will they hurt my sponge? I also have 2 clusters of what looks like mini reddish brown anemones (about 2 mm) I can't identify. They retract into their tubes when touched. On another rock I have what I thought was a dead brain coral with algae on it. It was dark green with red rocklike pieces sticking out from it and laying on the underside of the LR in the dealer's tank. I put it facing up in mine cause I thought it was pretty even if it was just the skeleton. Now it's getting a white film growing over the top of it. I thought it might be trying to grow so I tried to break off a piece of one of the hard red things on it and noticed the coral is a little soft. Any ideas? Thanks!


Small Fish
Mar 26, 2010
Van Buren, AR
Thank you for your reply. The mini anemone things don't look like aiptasia (I have a couple of those in my tank too unfortunately). I think you're right about the algae though. Thanks again and I'll definitely check out those links. :)

The round things sound like bubble algae, and the anemones sound like aptaisia (pest anemones). The sticky at the top of the forum has some links that might help you ID them visually.

I'm not sure about the film on the coral.


Small Fish
Mar 26, 2010
Van Buren, AR
I will do my best to get pics. It's difficult with their locations in the tank and my camera's not the best. Someone told me that a white film over the brain coral means likely a bacterial infection and to get some coral dip. I bought some Melafix Marine coral dip (good brand?) and dipped the brain coral for 5 minutes yesterday. I think it may have been getting too much current so I moved it to a calmer area. How long until I should start seeing results from the dip? How often should I do it?


Small Fish
Mar 26, 2010
Van Buren, AR
Please help with coral!

I checked out the majano link and I don't think it's those. I have a few pictures. They're not the best but maybe they'll help with identification. The first two are the red bubble things. As you can see, it seems to be causing the sponge to recede. The next is the mini anemone things. I think the might be feather dusters instead? Any ideas? Next pics are of my brain coral.

:confused:Can someone please tell me what else to do about my brain coral? I tried the Melafix Marine dip but don't know if it's helping or how often I should do it. I posted some pics of the coral also. Is there any hope for it?

Thanks in advance for all your help! :)


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Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
That's definitely red bubble algae (vallonia). Remove those without breaking them.

The small things with tentacles are um... I forgot the name.. but they're not good. It's hard to remove them, but pull them off the rock, if you can. They will sting corals.

The last thing looks like a sponge to me, not a coral. But, it's sort of hard to tell.


Small Fish
Mar 26, 2010
Van Buren, AR
Thank you for the algae ID. I'll try to get it off. It's kinda pretty actually.

So, hydroids or worms? I'll look those up. Thank you guys.

It looks so much like a brain coral. Was it just shriveled or something? It doesn't feel like the other sponge. What kind do you think it is? What is the red stuff coming from it?


Small Fish
Mar 26, 2010
Van Buren, AR
Thank you for the advice.

Can anybody please help me with my brain coral/sponge thing? I took photos to 2 local fish stores and they have no clue. It's still changing so much! The wrinkles that made me think it's a brain coral are getting covered by a whitish fuzziness. I really want to knoow how to take care of this thing. I like it but I also don't want it to be dying and polluting my tank! Any help with identification or suggestions about what to do with it are greatly appreciated.

Jun 11, 2010
What protein skimmer should I get? Im setting up a 54gallon corner tank saltwater, drilled, w/one overflow,eshopps 75 we dry filter, ml visi-therm heater 200w, sup mag drive 5 water pump,