New here/ Hi all

Feb 21, 2007
Hello all, Been keeping fish for over 25 years (am I getting old or what? ) I had my first tank at 6. In my mid 30's now.

I got into breeding bettas 2 years ago, did that and got a little careless and did not quarantine my newly acquired females and put them in my barracks. Lost all of my fish to disease. Got out of breeding and bettas for a while, could not afford to restock. Plus I was broken hearted and upset...

I still kept my tanks, and a few pets, now I am looking at getting into doing something again like breeding show guppies or Betta's again. I am researching the guppies and will probably sometime in the summer start that project.

Right now getting everything ready for it. I am redesigning my betta barracks. I think I will remake my tanks so it can be a barracks or it can be a guppy grow tank with just a drop of the divider.

Maybe i can show my DIY project but that is a far time off. I love the DIY section, I have picked up a few ideas.

Feb 21, 2007
I had a poor design, I tried to use pvc with irrigation emitters, and an acrylic (home made) tank with dividers. The tank was OK, but the water flow was a disaster and alot of work. (I placed the over flows to low, and constantly had to adjust waterflow to keep up with the water loss) I will try the over flow higher this time. I hope to have pics for everyone once that is complete. I have since scrapped that mistake and starting it over.