New here


Small Fish
Jan 26, 2006
New Jersey
Hi everyone im new here. I started running my tank a few months ago and have been running into some trouble with clarity and fish dying and stuff so i figured i would try to do some research on whats going on. Ive been reading alot of posts and they have been helping alot but i figured id start my own. I have a 20g tank that last week i decided to strip down and start all over. Right now i have 2 zebra danios in there i read that they were good fish to start cycling with. In my sisters tank that was currently empty i have 2 blue gouramis a pleco and a rainbow shark. I put them in there and was planning on slowly adding them to the cycle. I also just started planting my aquarium. I didnt notice that you needed a C02 hose ran into the tank and i guess im going to start working on a DIY one from the site. Well just wanted to say hi and give some background. Im hoping that i will get better at this aquarium thing because i really enjoy having it set up.