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Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
He looks good, what is he flaring at? If he is really aggressive towards anything that moves, you might not be able to put anything with him (maybe a snail since it's a good size tank). Otherwise, if he tolerates them, he could be with any of the following (not all in the same tank, it would be too crowded):

Usually safe:
White cloud mountain minnows
African dwarf frogs
Kuhli loaches
Danios in a large enough group (so they pick on each other, not the betta)
Female guppies, or non-fancy males (a few bettas will tolerate fancy male guppies, but most think their tails look too much like another male betta)

More dependent on temperment of betta:
Small, friendly tetras or rasboras (rummynose, black neons)
Cherry barbs

Things to avoid with a betta:
Any other betta
Gouramis/paradise fish
Nippy fish like serpae tetras or tiger barbs


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Flaring at a mirror isn't really aggressive, you could try holding up pictures of other fish to see if he flares at them to judge his aggressiveness better. Having a lot of plants or decorations in there to break up the line of sight also helps reduce aggression. Mostly, make sure to watch him for a while after you add new fish, to make sure he doesn't attack them... if he's going to attack, it tends to be obvious even when you're floating other fish in their bags.

May 12, 2005
Welcome fishbait. Your Betta is beautiful! Over the years I have had several Betta's. I have 3 right now. Diablo will always have to be by himself because he is aggressive towards anything and everything he sees moving. The other two are more mellow. I have had snails and African Dwarf frogs with my Betta's and also neons. Right now I have a senior citizen Betta that has mollie fry living with him and a snail in a ten gallon tank. He seems to love the company. I guess it all depends on the personality of your Betta.