New here


Large Fish
Jul 18, 2003
SW Wisconsin
Hi all,

I'm helping my daughter who is 10 to set up to raise guppies. We aren't killing as many fish now which is good...I think fancy gups are a little sensitive. So we carry on and I try to get new ideas from these forum discussions. I was on a different forum and the moderators didn't do a good job, got a bit outta control sometimes, so I think this looks like a nice fun site to switch to and I hope for some good advice as we keep learning.

We have:

a 20 gal community tank lots of tetras (various flavors) penguin something or other, a larger silver fish (no idea), a orange tailed platy (maybe platy). We got this tank from a friend who was moving.

another 20 gal divided with our 1 male and 1 female guppy that are left. The male jumps the divider, but gets lonely and jumps back.

and two 10 gal tanks with pearl danios to get them cycled for breeding tanks.

So if we ever get any babies--I had heard it was like falling off a bike, but we are struggling a bit--we will be ready to go.

Look forward to getting to know you all.

Oct 22, 2002
Bend, OR
Heya Lou

I'm playing with guppy breeding too, just for fun (and just so I can say I finally got something to breed for me)

Here's what I know about guppies and breeding:

guppies are best kept in 1 male to 3 female ratios. Those males are sex fiends. They'll chase the females to the point of death, so keeping a 1:3 ratio gives the females 66% relief =)

you'll know when they're pregnant when they get a little black spot right behind their silver belly (called a gravid spot). Two of my 3 females are in this shape today.

If you want the fry to live, take the female out when you see that they're about to pop, and put them in their own jar or fishbowl or whatever. As soon as the momma is done with labor, seperate her from the fry and keep her in her own bowl to give her time to rest before putting her back in the main tank with don juan.

feed the fry with finely crushed flake, keep the temp high, and do 25% water changes daily


Superstar Fish
Jun 21, 2003
St. Paul, MN
Visit site
Hi Lou & Daughter,

Yes, this is a good site. Mods do a good job and folks are speedy with replies.

If you are into guppies, if you haven't already, you might look into the several type of nursery traps available. My fave for years is a flow-thru type with a removeable V insert.

Again, welcome.