New in town


New Fish
Jun 14, 2003
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Greetings all! Just wanted to say hello, and introduce myself. I've been keeping fish for 20 years or so, and still love it as much now as when it was new to me. I've kept both fresh and marine. My current stock is: Jack Dempsey (3) - Red Belly Piranha (3) - Bluegill (3 local caught) - Channel Cat (1 local caught) - Venustus (1 and very mean) - a mix of cories, neons, and platys - Pearl Cichlid (1) - Silver Dollars (3) - Nicaraguan Cichlid (1) - more convicts than I know what to do with - I breed Angelfish (great fun) Well that's about it, oh and I have 15 different tanks..........lots of work, but it's worth it. Also, half of my tanks are at my office, so I can take care of them through out the work week :) I'm looking into starting a 72g live plant tank with Co2 injection, so I'm doing a lot of research. I may set up a 20 gal w/diy Co2 first, just to get my feet wet. I look forward to being active on this board.



New Fish
Jun 14, 2003
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Thanks for the GREAT welcome:D . I've got a pair of Gold/Marble's. They drop eggs about every 8-10 days, so I don't always pull the eggs. The parents raise what I leave in their tank about half the time (for some reason they don't always want to raise their own fry), so if i've got a tank or two full of fry, I let the parents raise them. I will say when the parents do it, the fry grow faster than when I do it. It is great fun watching them grow, and I have a great lfs that buys them all from me, so that really helps pay for my hobby;) . I've got a trio of Gold angels about old enough to spawn, so I've got my fingers crossed for a new breeding pair. Thanks again for the welcome, I'll see you around!
