new kinda


Large Fish
Sep 21, 2006
joined back in september maybe??? when i inherited a 5g tank from my roommate and needed advice. everyone here is very helpful and nice which is a weird, but good change for the internet.

5g - 3 small platies
1 cory cat
5 ghost shrimp

75g - empty for 2 months and just waiting for some local people to sell a pair of green terrors (from ND so shipping would be expensive and unreliable)

about me:
-junior at college in biology/pre-optometry
-from ND
-don't know much about fish, so this is where mft comes into play:rolleyes:
- i see a picture thread so maybe i'll post there since i see you all like pictures (maybe) ha

interests include: soccer, hockey, ping pong, cycling (road and mountain), other college festivities

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