New King Tiger Pleco


Large Fish
Dec 6, 2005
Coolville, Ohio
I just got a new King Tiger Pleco. :D I went to my LFS to special order one. Then as I was browsing what they had I saw them. They had two King Tiger Plecos, both were about three or four inches long. I couldn't resist. I bought the smaller of the two for $30. I have put him in my 10 gallon temporarily. I am waiting to put him in the 45 gallon tank when I trade in my Common Pleco. I want to avoid possible squabbles, so he will live in the 10 gallon for a little while. He is alone in the tank, with the exception of a few guppy fry, and a baby snail. There are pics of him here:


Large Fish
Dec 6, 2005
Coolville, Ohio
Thanks. I am spoiling him. I am going to get some zucchini or cucumber to feed him. He is so cool. :D I want to move him to the 45 gallon as soon as possible. That way I can get a Rubber Lipped Pleco, and some other fish for my 10 gallon.
My Mom said I was crazy for paying $30 for a fish, but she let me anyways. She said "Tommorrow you better not say I can't believe I spent $30 on a fish" He is my favorite fish ever. :D


Superstar Fish
Aug 21, 2005
Clinton, NY
Congrats! Lovely pleco, aren't they? Mine is very friendly, I see him all the time, so hopefully you'll get to see plenty of yours too :)
And if your mom ever complains about how much you spent on a fish, just tell her you know another teenage fish addict who spent over 4 times that on one fish ;)


Large Fish
Dec 6, 2005
Coolville, Ohio
Lol :D He has been eating some shrimp pellets I think. I put some in and turned the lights off, they aren't there so he must have ate them. He is nice and plump so I doubt he will starve. I will keep on watching him to make sure he is eating. My LFS owner told me to feed him some cucumber pieces. Will it eat them? Tomorrow at school I won't tell my friends because they will think I am crazy for spending $30 on a fish, and they will go on about what they could have spent that money on. I guess my friends aren't as addicted to fish as I am.


Large Fish
Dec 6, 2005
Coolville, Ohio
Despite what I said, I told my friends they flipped out. They said "I can't believe you wasted all that money on a stupid fish, I could have spent that money on something usefull". They also said "I hope it dies tonight when you get home". I don't blame my friends though, they don't have money to burn like I do. Nonetheless they are my friends despite how stupid they are. I admit it is crazy to spend that much on a fish, but then again I am a fish crazy fish addict.


Large Fish
Dec 6, 2005
Coolville, Ohio
I'm only 14. I had a bunch of money leftover from my b-day and christmas so I wanted to spend some. I still have plenty leftover for some more fish. Lol my friends would do the same thing but I don't have a wallet for them to steal.