New krib... what a buy !!!!

Fish Friend

Superstar Fish
May 29, 2005
I bought a new male krib today to replace my old one that sadly died from dropsy. He is a mature male and i can see the lateral line. No sooner i added him into the tank this morning the female pounced on him.. flaring and showing beautiful colours off to the male.. she keeps following him around now everywhere and they have joined and are a pair now... i traded the krib for a black molly that had to go because he killed my female Ram from harassment and my lfs said he will kill again if i dont remove him... so... just thought id share with you all :D heres some pics (that are a bit crappy) i have attached them without a link this time... i HOPE they work...

The female and new male...

New male...

New male again...

Now... this is the old male... see any improvment with the new male that ive bought eh ??

(P.S. Froggy... i have got the hang of this now... but why isnt it as big as that link i showed you ???)