Okay, so I had an empty 29 gallon, and i bought 4 Kribs which turned out to be 2 males and 2 females. I also added a rubberlipped pleco and a rainbow shark. I thought that these 2 would be okay with the Kribs and was wondering if i was right, otherwise I have other tanks that i could move them into if the Kribs are too aggressive for them. So far however, under my watchful eye, i have seen no aggression from the kribs to either the pleco or Rainbow.
Also, as i am interested in breeding Kribs, is there anything i can do to stimulate their spawning? Any tips from someone who has done this will b helpful, thanx
Also, as i am interested in breeding Kribs, is there anything i can do to stimulate their spawning? Any tips from someone who has done this will b helpful, thanx