New Kribs


Large Fish
Jun 30, 2004
Bangor MI
Visit site
Okay, so I had an empty 29 gallon, and i bought 4 Kribs which turned out to be 2 males and 2 females. I also added a rubberlipped pleco and a rainbow shark. I thought that these 2 would be okay with the Kribs and was wondering if i was right, otherwise I have other tanks that i could move them into if the Kribs are too aggressive for them. So far however, under my watchful eye, i have seen no aggression from the kribs to either the pleco or Rainbow.

Also, as i am interested in breeding Kribs, is there anything i can do to stimulate their spawning? Any tips from someone who has done this will b helpful, thanx ;)


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
How big is the rainbow shark? Honestly I would be more worried about the shark being aggressive to the kribs if it's of decent size. I had one several years back and he was really mellow till he got to be around 3 inches. That's when he decided that everyone in the tank shouldn't be in his tank.

Also the shark and the kribs like to be in the bottom parts of the tank for the most part. And the sharks are teritorial. So with the shark in there they could run into some problems later on with teritories.

Honestly IMHO a 29 is big enough for one pair of kribs comfortably. Two might be ok for a while, but I don't think peace would last long if they both breed at the same time or were rearing fry around the same time. Once the fry get a little size on them the adults will lead them around the tank foraging for food, and this is bound to lead them eventualy right into the other pair's teritory. The pleco should be fine.

How big are the kribs? Kribs are easy to spawn. Feed quality foods to help fatten them up, and keep on top of water changes to give them the best possible water quality and you should have fry in no time.

But agian, once you see that you do have a pair, you might think of taking out the other two kribs so that everyone has ample space to do their thing in. It might work for a while, but I'm afriad that eventualy it will lead to disaster.


Superstar Fish
Jun 5, 2006
Wenatchee, WA
I currently have a rainbow shark and an albino rainbow shark in a 55G with no problems. Occasionally they chase each other, but never the other fish, not even the loaches. And they are full grown, about 5 1/2 inches each.

Now for my red tail shark in my 75G? He won't leave anyone alone, lol. It's like there's supposed to be no other fish in the 75G with him. He's claimed the 75G total. Even the Bolivian Rams, which are 3 inches each, are no contest for him. He's about 4 inches. And the 9" pleco? He just deflects the red tails blows and goes about his own business, lol.

Rainbows are semi-aggressive, yes, but in a 29G, might work. Just keep an eye on him. They are not near as aggressive as the red tails.

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Large Fish
Jun 30, 2004
Bangor MI
Visit site
Ya, I have a rainbow in my 55g and he doesnt bother anyone, although I did once have a black Swordtail that he killed... how strange, he most likely thought the sword tail was another rainbow because of the color.

Anyway, the kribs are about 2 inches and and the rainbow is about the same size. So far no aggression from either end.

As for the possibility of 2 Kribs spawning, i could always move the two non paired Kribs out, possibly into seperate tanks so they dont spawn. Can Kribs live comfortably alone? I wouldnt think so but you never know.

One last thing, If the Kribs spawned would i have to remove the Rainbow?


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