New lights adding, timer question


Large Fish
Jun 1, 2005
Near Chicago, IL
It's been quite some time since I posted here. I got tied up in a lot of other facets of life, and the aquarium was pretty-much in a holding pattern. Unfortunately this resulted in a problem a few months ago, when oxygen levels dropped and I lost over $100 in fish. I saved a few, but my stocks are depleted. Fish are for another story though.

I ordered some new plants because mine were just not looking very good. Later, I discovered this was because one of my T-5 fixtures was only 1/2 lit. I replaced that bulb (and another for good measure) and am coming back around.

46g bowfront tank
My current light configuration is:
2x 36" Coralife T-5 dual fixtures, with a 6700 & 10K daylight bulb (21w per bulb = 84w)
1x 15w T-8 bulb.
This works out to 99w, or 2.15wpg = too low. They are timed so that at 8am, the T-8 comes on, at noon the T-5s come on, and everything goes off at 10pm.

So, I'm going to remove the one T-8 fixture and add in a 30" Power Compact @ 65w. That will give me 149w or 3.23wpg = Better.

The Question
How should I time the lights though? I was thinking of running the T-5 fixtures for the same 10 hours, and only kicking the PC lighting in for 4-5 hours - to simulate the brightest sunlight in the middle of the day. Or should I just do a standard 10 hours with all the lights on (worse for electric bills)?

Thanks! Good to be back.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
I don't see a problem with kicking the T-5's up to 12-14 hours a day, and then 'sunburst' in the middle of the day. So long as you keep check on your Co2 and ferts, you should be fine allowing the plants a greater photoperiod.

Good to see ya back :)


Large Fish
Jun 1, 2005
Near Chicago, IL
I received my PC light from UPS yesterday, and re-timed everything in the following way:

11:30am: T-5 lights (84w) turn on. PC light (65w) turns on = 3.23wpg
3:30pm: PC Light turns off for about an hour, T-5s stay on (1.82wpg)
4:45pm: All lights back on.
9:45pm: PC lights off
10:30pm: T-5 lights off; moon lighting on.

So, that puts my T-5s on for about 11 hours. About 9 hours of PC light. I have the PC lights turn off in the middle of the day to hopefully break-up algae growth. I have CO2 going into the tank, but it's not a pressurized system, so exact amounts vary. The lights are timed to go later into the night because that's when I'm sitting in the living room. I don't like not being able to see the tank if it's dark.

We'll see how this works out. I have a feeling I'm going to need to scale this back a bit. It's BRIGHT. My wife joked that she thinks my fish are going to get a sunburn.