Loaches Online - Queen Loach (Botia dario)
botia dario - Google Image Search
They will be coming from one of my planted tanks. As I said, I have had them for 1.5 years, not sure what you are asking about where they would be coming from. They were imported from Asia, in spring '05 I guess, as juvenile fish.
I have never seen the fish for sale since I bought mine. I have even asked an AquaBid member if he sees them at his wholesaler. At the time I had wanted to get more. He told me he had already asked and they couldn't get them. I don't know what a fair price is. They are a rare loach apparently. Often when people are looking for something they have an idea of what they are willing to pay. They are among my most unique and favorite fish, but do not fit well into my current community tanks. If they did, I would be keeping them. If you are looking for a couple of $4 fish it's not going to work out.
I am thinking about getting these two fellas and removing all my guppies/rasorbas and giving them to my cousin. Do you think these two loaches would make good addition to a loach tank? anyone have some or seen some? They are different from my type of loaches but they caught my eye and gained my interest.
botia dario - Google Image Search
They will be coming from one of my planted tanks. As I said, I have had them for 1.5 years, not sure what you are asking about where they would be coming from. They were imported from Asia, in spring '05 I guess, as juvenile fish.
I have never seen the fish for sale since I bought mine. I have even asked an AquaBid member if he sees them at his wholesaler. At the time I had wanted to get more. He told me he had already asked and they couldn't get them. I don't know what a fair price is. They are a rare loach apparently. Often when people are looking for something they have an idea of what they are willing to pay. They are among my most unique and favorite fish, but do not fit well into my current community tanks. If they did, I would be keeping them. If you are looking for a couple of $4 fish it's not going to work out.
I am thinking about getting these two fellas and removing all my guppies/rasorbas and giving them to my cousin. Do you think these two loaches would make good addition to a loach tank? anyone have some or seen some? They are different from my type of loaches but they caught my eye and gained my interest.