New Loaches for Grumpy

Oct 18, 2006
Oceanside California
Loaches Online - Queen Loach (Botia dario)
botia dario - Google Image Search

They will be coming from one of my planted tanks. As I said, I have had them for 1.5 years, not sure what you are asking about where they would be coming from. They were imported from Asia, in spring '05 I guess, as juvenile fish.

I have never seen the fish for sale since I bought mine. I have even asked an AquaBid member if he sees them at his wholesaler. At the time I had wanted to get more. He told me he had already asked and they couldn't get them. I don't know what a fair price is. They are a rare loach apparently. Often when people are looking for something they have an idea of what they are willing to pay. They are among my most unique and favorite fish, but do not fit well into my current community tanks. If they did, I would be keeping them. If you are looking for a couple of $4 fish it's not going to work out.

I am thinking about getting these two fellas and removing all my guppies/rasorbas and giving them to my cousin. Do you think these two loaches would make good addition to a loach tank? anyone have some or seen some? They are different from my type of loaches but they caught my eye and gained my interest.


Superstar Fish
Aug 26, 2006
Thule, Greenland
Grumpy If I read this correctly you are wanting to add 2 more loaches to your 29G tank. Right? If so I woud say hold off, if you can till you get a bigger tank. With all of the bottom feeders you need a biger foot print. They look good. It also says that they are not a good community fish so you will have to be carefull.



Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Be aware that winter (especially around Oct. Nov.) tends to be the time when more loaches are available. There's another "season" around Feb./March.

It's not always easy to find the loaches you want, and you may need to be patient.

If you decide you really like loaches, longer, shorter tanks are going to allow you more space for loaches. We have quite a lot of different loaches, and never really give up the chance to get a new species :)

By the way, the loach forum now has updated profiles somewhere on the forum, in case you want to look.

Oct 18, 2006
Oceanside California
loach forum the site you refered me to earlier?

I saw a nice 30 gallon long tank at petsmart, think i might look into it and do one for one swap with the contents or something if i can talk my wife into it for xmas. here is a list of what i want to maintain:

2 Dojo Loaches (have already)
4 Kuhli Loaches (have 2 already)
2 Black Kuhli Loaches (have 1 already)
1 Horseshoe faced loach (have already)
2-3 of the botia family loaches something similar to the clown loach in shape.
1-2 albino kuhli loaches

What size tank should i be looking at for those ones? I know the gallon per fish thing but with loaches it is different as they like to bury in gravel so they don't take up lots of water.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
The new profile on B. dario, Click here --> Loaches Online :: View topic - Botia Dario profile*x

You might want to look into something like a 60g long tank for those. The horsefaced loach gets to around 8", and the dojos would certainly appreciate the room to swim around. A 30g tank would probably be OK for a while.

Some of the botias are more aggressive than others, so you should be careful about which you choose.

Oct 18, 2006
Oceanside California
i have been reading on the loaches forum... i think i am going to scrap the botias all together, they get big and they are not the same style as my dojo kuhli bunch... they don't appeal to me as the others i have do, so scratch botia off that list and add two gold dojo loaches in their place.