New member, new aquarist.

Feb 18, 2006
WA state
Hi all, I'm just now getting a serious aquarium. Over the years, I've had small 5-gallon goldfish tanks that weren't maintained very well. Then also had red-eared slider turtles that did quite well in an outdoor pond...which also had goldfish, but just feeders that didn't last very long.

Now that I've moved away, I've been thinking about getting an aquarium for a while...but the high costs were a bit deterring. Thanks to, I'm the proud new owner of a used 25-gallon Eclipse aquarium. It was a great bargain and came with many extras (heater, gravel, driftwood, extra filters). I had been looking for an Eclipse system for a while, since its design seems great for beginners and my compact apartment doesn't leave much room for air pumps and hoses hanging around the tank.

So far, the aquarium has been cleaned and set-up, but just has gravel and driftwood so far. I'm planning to let the water cycle through the filtration system for a couple days before adding anything to this micro-environment. I still need to get some other items (thermometer, background, siphon) and then will think about what fish to get. I'm also interested in getting some live plants...probably java fern to attach to the driftwood.

I'm not yet sure if I'll cycle with fish (probably danios) or without. Any thoughts on cycling with just plants?

If you've read this far...thanks for reading and glad to meet ya!


Large Fish
Oct 6, 2005
Well if you get some easy low maintenance plants you really don't have to cycle so to speak. Just get your plants and then let them settle in your aquarium for a week or so and then start adding your fish kinda slowly. You still are having to wait a little bit and you still have to have some patience but not near as much as with a fishless cycle. Also, if you get some good fast growing plants they will help out compete the algae that would love to take over your new tank!!!


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Welcome to MFT :)

What shaunna said is right on :) Although I prefer fishless cycling...if you'd like to read on that, Iggy's cycle recipe is stickied at the top of the beginner forum.

Mar 3, 2006
columbus, Tx
Ramirezi said:
Welcome to the fourm. Welcome back to the hobby, (it's addicting) you will find yourself looking at fish tanks on TV shows.
lol!!! Me too!!! weird huh???

I'm a big fan of fishless cycle, even though I've never done it!!! I'm new to the hobby too and just learned about all this, and I'd do fishless if i had it to do all over again... less stress on you and your fish!