i just got started with my nano reef last week. I bought the 29 gal. bio cube by oceanic. this is my set up so far-
visi therm "stealth" 100 watt heater.
1 penguin 1140 powerhead (300 gph).
40 # of carib sea crushed coral as substrate.
27 # of fiji live rock.
i have been reading the sticky on this web site and it meation a period of "die off" for the live rock. so in 7 days there has been none of this that i have seen. i talked to my lfs and he said that i might not get any because the rock has been cured. so iguess my question is should i continue to wait to add the clean up crew or go ahead and start adding some snails/crabs? also i was thinking of adding a digital salinity moniter. is there ones out there that are better than others? also what about a uv steralier? will it be benefical to my nano? any feedback will be great. im still learning about this great side of the hobby!
visi therm "stealth" 100 watt heater.
1 penguin 1140 powerhead (300 gph).
40 # of carib sea crushed coral as substrate.
27 # of fiji live rock.
i have been reading the sticky on this web site and it meation a period of "die off" for the live rock. so in 7 days there has been none of this that i have seen. i talked to my lfs and he said that i might not get any because the rock has been cured. so iguess my question is should i continue to wait to add the clean up crew or go ahead and start adding some snails/crabs? also i was thinking of adding a digital salinity moniter. is there ones out there that are better than others? also what about a uv steralier? will it be benefical to my nano? any feedback will be great. im still learning about this great side of the hobby!
ram man