Hi all how is it going?
Well i fainally got my nano tank and started to cycle it, left it for three weeks and all my parims where 0 except for my ph which was a little high (8.8) although this jumps around alot even if the reading is done the same time every day??
Any way I had a massive alae boom (small green mos type and brown fine hair) and the items I reasearched stated it was now time to get my cuc......
This is where it all went wrong......
ok first put in two red legged hermit crabs they lasted about 30 seconds once they touched the water they died, so i fished them out and decided to wait a few more weeks as i though my tank was not ready
So a few weeks later I have been fighting a losing battle with this algae it practically grows quicker then i can get to it.......
so after monitoring my water levels decided to give it another go with the crabs
Again they where in the water about a min then nothing? These are not hanging out of the shells like the others they are right at the back
I have now left them over night and they still have not moved
Are they dead and how would i go about finding this out?
Have read in some places that hermit crabs can hide for a few days in some tanks but would like to know whats going on
Well i fainally got my nano tank and started to cycle it, left it for three weeks and all my parims where 0 except for my ph which was a little high (8.8) although this jumps around alot even if the reading is done the same time every day??
Any way I had a massive alae boom (small green mos type and brown fine hair) and the items I reasearched stated it was now time to get my cuc......
This is where it all went wrong......
ok first put in two red legged hermit crabs they lasted about 30 seconds once they touched the water they died, so i fished them out and decided to wait a few more weeks as i though my tank was not ready
So a few weeks later I have been fighting a losing battle with this algae it practically grows quicker then i can get to it.......
so after monitoring my water levels decided to give it another go with the crabs
Again they where in the water about a min then nothing? These are not hanging out of the shells like the others they are right at the back
I have now left them over night and they still have not moved
Are they dead and how would i go about finding this out?
Have read in some places that hermit crabs can hide for a few days in some tanks but would like to know whats going on