New Nano Tank Build - Opinions Welcomed

Feb 27, 2009
Ok, I'm setting up my tank for my shoal of Indostomus crocodilus. All have survived QT. It will be a 5 gallon planted (duh!) tank. Here is a photo of one in their current tank to give you an idea of their shape. They are just over an inch long but very thin. These are clickable images:

They seem to love to hang out around driftwood, and in their QT tank, I have both large and smaller pieces. They congragate together on/around/under the largest piece mostly, keeping to the shadows when the lights are on.

In their new tank, I think I'm going to do one large (for the size tank anyway) piece of driftwood. It has lots of horizontal-ish groves in it, and I think they will find it comforting. Not sure of the plants to put in yet. I'll get the hardscape in first and see what fits. Because of the size of the wood, it will likely be one of my least planted tanks, but the more densely planted, the more at ease they will feel. I'm also adding some flat-ish rocks (thanks Lauraf!!) for them to hang out under. They are a cave breeder, so may lay eggs in the cracks/crevices of the rocks or driftwood. Here is the piece I'm considering for their tank. Not sure which way it looks best. I want to keep the 'arch' on the underside so they can use it for cover.

Any thoughts on which way to place the wood? The gravel will not be white, it was just used for the photo. I will use either dark grey/blackish gravel, or brown. I'm leaning more toward brown for a more natural look.

Feb 27, 2009
I think I'll use a few of the rocks from the QT tank. I just don't know how I'm going to fit a sponge filter, even my smallest one, in there! The heater is small, that can be hiden behind the log..hmmm...with all the 'stuff' in there, not sure how much water will be added!