New Old Tank Restarted Sorta...


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Corvallis, Or
I'm about to get a nice 30 gallon with everything, including fish, however, because they've been moving I've had the fish sitting in buckets in my room, since they've had no where else to go.. How would you suggest I go about aclimmating the fish to the aquarium.. Also, he has a nice Marineland filter, that frankly, I can't afford to run, because the filters are sooo much. What filter would you suggest for the tank, and how should I do this? I'm lost, and have never really had to do anything like this before.. Anyway, thanks in advanced for the advice!   ::) :)


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
As long as the tank isn't down for real long (more than a week or maybe two) I would set up the aquarium using the old filter asap and add the fish after a day or so.  Too let the water stablize.  I resently moved and had my fish in a rubbermaid for about 8 days.  Once I had a spot picked out for my aquarium I filled it and added the fish the next day.  About 30 cichlids total and I had no problem.  Apparently I had enough "biology" that survived to handle it.  (It's been 2 months now)

Hope this helped.
